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~Time Skip~
(Also, we can ignore the COVID regulations in this chapter, although every character is wearing a mask. They're just flying when they're not supposed to)

It was now the day before Y/N was leaving Florida for 2 weeks. They were last minute packing their bag since they're an idiot and puts stuff off until they're forced to do it.

"Wilbur, words cannot describe how- how excited I am for this trip." Y/N said, the two were on FaceTime as Y/N packed.

"Words are for losers anyway." Wilbur shrugged, "but like you said a couple day ago, you could just suffocate me with hugs."

"That was gonna happen anyway. But seriously, thank you. Although I do feel bad since you bought my ticket yourself." Y/N replied.

"Pshh, don't worry about it." Wilbur waved off. He yawned, making Y/N realize just how late it was.

"Wilbur! Go to sleep!" Y/N scolded, it was ten where they were but they knew it'd be around 3 for him.

"But I wanna talk to you." Wilbur responded. "Shut up, you're tired and you have to pick me up from the airport at 3 and if I don't see you there cause your asleep I promise you I'm coming for your throat." Y/N threatened.

"Fine then, I'll fall asleep on call." Wilbur huffed. The brunette did as he promised and fell asleep right then and there.

Y/N muted and continued packing their things, not wanting to wake Wilbur up with the blaring horns that beeped through the night.

"I'm totally repaying him every penny." Y/N muttered, despite him telling them not to worry about it, they most definitely still worried about it.

Sooo they fetched the exact money they knew the ticket costed and put it in a paper bag in their bag.

Once they finished packing, they closed the bag and changed into pajamas. They the laid in their bed, not exactly falling asleep though as they stared up at the ceiling.

But, after an hour of contemplating life, they set their alarm and fell asleep.

They woke up at 5 am, and changed their clothes to something more socially acceptable than their pajamas.

Once they did, they grabbed breakfast and their bag then went out the door. They got into their car and drove 30 minutes to the closest airport.

Once they were checked and all ready to go, they boarded the plane and sat at their seat, which was a middle.

They sat between a mother holding her crying baby and a teen no older than 14. Y/N presumed they were apart of the crying baby's family.

"Hey... I think I've seen you from somewhere." The teen said. They words made Y/N slightly adjust their mask to cover their face more, they didn't like being recognized in public- finding it awkward.

It was especially worse when you're crammed between a mother and her child.

"Oh? I've been told I look like Barney, but I'm not purple sooo." Y/N joked. The teen giggled softly.

"Sorry, you just kinda remind me of DanTDM's friend, Y/N- or better known as LegoLand." The  teen connected.

"Oh! I've heard of those two, they play mine- Minecraft right?" Y/N asked, the teen nodded, "I remember scrolling through Twitter and seeing Lego back on the internet."

"I was so excited when they came back! It's like, woahhhh. I totally watched them growing up and the fact they're just so- so good at parkour." The teen said.

"You know, I hate being recognized in public.. but you seem really nice." Y/N said, they cleared their throat, "Hello everybody it's me, Lego, back here again playing Minecraft."

"That's their old intro... you're- you're really them?" The teen asked. Y/N nodded, a smile forming on their face as they saw the excitement build in the teens eyes.

"Can I please get a picture?" They asked. "Yeah! We can also take one when we get off the plane." Y/N offered.

The teen nodded excitedly and took out their phone. They turned to where their back was facing Y/N slightly as the two posed.

"Thank you so much." They said. "No problem, so long as you don't take strands of my hair to sell." Y/N responded.

"Has that happened?" The teen asked. "Yep, either that or people are just tryna get cash and sell it fake." Y/N answered.

"Cash is cash. But I'm sorry that's happened to you." The teen said, "oh and my name is Sev."

"Nice to meet you Sev. And it's fine, the past is the past ya know?" Y/N said.

The two continued speaking for a bit before Sev fell asleep. Y/N soon fell asleep after them.

Y/N woke up when the plane landed, they collected their things and left the plane. Before they went to find Wilbur, they took a second picture with Sev.

"Alright, bye Sev!" Y/N said as Sev and their family left the area they were in. Y/N left to get their bag and find the tall brunette.

"Will-I-Am!" Y/N cheered as they saw him. They ran into his arms and wrapped their arms around his waist

"I despise how tall you are." Y/N mumbled. "Sorry, I don't speak to people below 6 foot(sorry if you're like super tall)" Wilbur joked.

"Meanie." Y/N huffed, pulling away from Wilbur and crossing their arms. "Sorry, doll. Now, shall we head to my house?" Wilbur asked.

"If we must." Y/N sighed. The two left the airport and entered Wilbur's car. He drove them to his house, which wasn't that far.

"I'll be sleeping on the couch and you get my bed." Wilbur explained. "Nope, I'll get the couch or we can sleep together." Y/N replied.

"I- uh- slee-sleep together?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah! Platonically of course, there's nothing wrong with cuddling with the homies!" Y/N answered.

"Alright, I'll show you my room then." Wilbur said. He grabbed their bag and brought them to his room.


(Not proofread)
Another fast paced dog shit chapter, sorry ),:

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