☆Dank Milk☆

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The milk is dank and expired, 2 years takes a toll on dairy products

[replying to {Y/U/N} ]
My cake D:

Jardon Maroon|@/CaptainSparklez [replying to {Y/U/N} ]
My cereal D:

[replying to {Y/U/N} ]
Should've used your super powers to get back sooner smh
[replying to {Y/U/N} and {dantdm}
Probably, but I wasn't in much of a rush to get back to you losers 🙄

[replying to {Y/U/N} ]
Can we get a captain and Y/N collab, I think that'd be very cool
LegoLand|@/Y/U/N [replying to {Y/U/N} and {TubboLIVE}

Seeing as it was the next day and Y/N was kinda used to being back on the internet they decided to try and stream again. They loaded into Minecraft and went on their survival worlds, looking at the old world names they didn't pay attention to yesterday.

Y/N giggled softly at some of the names, their memories rushing back to them as they stared at the all to familiar worlds. One was named "Budget Lovely World" and another, simply, called "Y/N's Survival".

They pondered a bit before deciding to go live, so they updated all their worlds to version 1.16 instead of 1.13. Going to OBS, they clicked "start streaming" and well started streaming. They waited a minute for people to enter their chat, then they turned on their face cam and waved to chat.

"Hello, chat. Uh- I haven't done this in a while." Y/N said, mumbling the last part. Their chat spammed "Y/N!" And "Expired milk tastes good".

"Chat I'm sorry, but if you un-ironically like spoiled milk we're going to have some problems." Y/N said, "And by problems I mean a bat to your face and maybe some holy water."

"Ok, chat, we're going to play my hardcore world. Now, do I know what hardcore means? Nope, but we're gonna vibe!" Y/N explained. Chat began trying to warn them on what hardcore meant, but to no avail as they just played.

They had full iron and they were mining for diamonds, but when they got 9 they got out from their mine and to the surface.

They heard the familiar hissing sound of a creeper and immediately tried reacting, equipping their sword and swinging at the green abomination. But, despite their efforts, the creeper exploded and killed them. Instead of seeing the usual "respawn" button, they only saw "Spectate World" and "Leave game".

"Uh chat? What'd I do?" Y/N asked, their chat going at the speed of light as they all made fun of Y/N. "Guys I haven't played hardcore in two years, give me a break!" Y/N complained, banging their head on their desk.

User17 donated 6$
Hahaha get good loser

"This- this is just un called for. You guys don't pass the vibe check." Y/N said. They shook their head and crossed their arms, looking like a disappointed parent.

It's a hardcore world, you die forever if you die once

"Thank you, Phil. Also, tier three sub gang. And verified gang, og gang too. Man, we're in a lot of gangs, Phil." Y/N said.

After another hour of streaming on one of their other worlds(that wasn't hardcore), they decided to end stream and stretch their legs and back, their spine would thank them later- they've never been known to have good posture.

Y/N decided to go on Twitter and dm Phil, because why not?


Heyyyy old dude
Today at 8.56 pm

Hey Y/N how've you been?
Today at 8.56 pm

Pretty good, not to many nightmares this month so that's a plus
Today at 8.56 pm

That's always a plus
Today at 8.56 pm

Mhm. Anyway hru?
Today at 8.56 pm

I'm good, I'm glad you're doing alright
Today at 8.56 pm

We haven't spoken in two years, you kinda left without a trace...
Today at 8.56 pm

Yeah Ik. I'm sorry, but when I'm ready to tell I'm sure it'll all make sense
Today at 8.56 pm

I'll be waiting until then, but for now, wanna vibe on Hypixel and play build battle?
Today at 8.56 pm

I'd like that. Wait... isn't it like almost 1 am where you are?
Today at 8.56 pm

Yes, but I wanna game with you
Today at 8.56 pm

Awww stop you're gonna make me feel loved
Today at 8.56 pm

Because you are mate
Today at 8.56 pm

Thanks Phil <3
Today at 8.56 pm

Also, I'm waiting for you in hypixel
Today at 8.56 pm

Alright, I sent you a party invite
Today at 8.56 pm

Call pls?
Today at 8.57 pm

Are we still friends on discord?
Today at 8.57 pm

Uhhh we should be? I didn't get a new discord or anything
Today at 8.57 pm

I'm still in the hermitcraft discord-
Today at 8.57 pm

Try bribing Xisuma to let you in
Today at 8.57 pm

Maybe later, calling you rn
Today at 8.57 pm
Ahaha second chapter finished :))

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