☆among us☆

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(Istg I'm not afraid to kill Y/N off and make the most angsty shit you've ever seen if y'all don't tell me who you wanna end up with /srs )

Y/N woke up with many dms from Tubbo on discord.

Tubbo today at 13.45
Wanna play among us with me/Tommy/Wilbur/Fundy/Phil/Niki/Jack/Big Q/Dream

Tubbo today at 14.03
Uhh you wanna play..?

LegoLand today at 14.03
Sorry I was sleeping, yeah! I'll play with you guys! I'll just need to download it. You can play a round without me if you need lmao

Tubbo today at 14.05
Alright, I'll add you to the gc



Tubbo added LegoLand

📞Join call

Wilbur today at 14.07
The code is DEEZNU

Y/N finished buying the game and all the maps onto their pc and joined the call, greeting the other 9 people in the call.

A round was going on when they had finished downloading it, so they decided to start streaming.

"Hello chat! So today I'm playing among us with some dreamsmp members and Phil!" Y/N greeted, chat sped by fast as donations and subs started a hype train.

"Thank you for all the subs and the hype train! You guys are insane!" Y/N thanked. They unmuted and listened in on the conversation.

"I saw Jack literally kill in medbay right in front of me!" Tubbo accused, "He killed Tommy I saw him!"

"Oh really? I mean last time I checked I was over in office with Niki." Jack replied. "Yep! Me and Jack were doing card swipe together!" Niki piped.

"Tubbo c'mon man, at least be good at lying." Wilbur said, he voted the yellow character as did the other two players.

As Tubbo was ejected, the crew mates saw in big red letters "defeat" as the imposters, Niki and Jack, had won.


"SHUT UP CHILD! THEY WERE CONVINCING!" Wilbur replied. The two continued going back and forth like brothers.

Y/N was able to join the game as Dream started it. The screen faded to black as everyone in the call muted and deafened.

The screen illuminated Y/N's room with bright red letters saying "imposter" with Wilbur. The game started and Y/N started to pretend to do tasks.

Wilbur sabotaged lights as Y/N killed quackity in navigations. Wilbur ended up getting a kill in Reactor.

Lights were fixed and Tommy reported Quackity's body while Y/N was in cams. "Where was it?" Tubbo asked.

"Navigations." Tommy answered. "Jack's dead too." Phil pointed out.

"I think I saw Dream go by nav a bit ago." Niki stated. "Yes, but I didn't kill him! I just simply passed Nav to get to comms." Dream replied.

"I say we skip this round but have sus on dream." Fundy says. It was voting time, Tubbo voted dream while everyone else skipped.

"Ok chat, I'm gonna try killing Niki." Y/N said after they had muted. They found the pink character and their cool down was finished.

They murdered the poor girl in weapons as waited in the vents for Dream to pass. Dream passed weapons and reported the body.

"I know this looks bad for me but-" Dream starts. "Nope, not listening. You killed Niki." Y/N interrupted, realising they needed to be in the conversation more.

"I mean, Niki did call him out last round. He probably wanted revenge." Wilbur joined in. The imposters had convinced the crew Dream was imposter and the lime skin was voted out.

The game carried on till the remaining 5 people were Wilbur, Phil, Y/N, Tubbo and Tommy. In that round Y/N had ended up killing Fundy, leaving Tommy to report the body.

"Medbay." Tommy said as everyone un-deafened. "Tubbo was by there." Y/N said, knowing full well the boy hasn't even stepped in the left part of the ship that round.

"No I wasn't!" Tubbo replied. "You literally were, I passed you with Wilbur next to me." Y/N said.

"Vote Tubbo." Wilbur said, everyone started voting the yellow skin. Tubbo was ejected as the red letters saying "defeat" showed up for the crew mates.

"How are you that good at gaslighting?" Dream asked Y/N. "I learned early from childhood, it's how I scammed my parents for money." Y/N answered.

"That.. that totally sounds like something you'd do to this day." Dream replied. "Hey, you never know." Y/N joked.

The game started and Y/N was greeted with cyan letters saying "crewmate" across their screen. They went around doing their tasks.

Eventually they found a body in office, it was Wilbur's. "Who killed one of my beloveds?" Y/N asked, "Body was in office by the way."

"Wait, I saw Quackity in storage." Jack said. Quackity tried pleading his innocence but his efforts were futile as his words seemingly weren't heard as everyone voted him.

Y/N ended up finishing their tasks, but their life was cut short when Tommy had become an alien and stabbed them with a tentacle.

They became a ghost and saw Wilbur floating around their dead body.

They opened the among us ghost chat.

Lego: hi
Wilbur: imagine dying
Lego: you literally died first.
Wilbur: that's irrelevant
Lego: whatever, did you finish your tasks?
Wilbur: yes mother.
Lego: good boy

Y/N closed the chat and floated around Phil as the game continued, rooting for the oldest to win. But they were met with a surprise as Phil murdered Fundy.

Jack was voted off, Tubbo was killed, dream voted off, and then the imposters won.

The group of ten continued playing their game for another hour before they all ended stream. After Y/N did end though, they were met with a surprise when they saw Wilbur had texted them.

Will ✨🥰💜

I'm sorry for ignoring you yesterday, I'm sorry if I upset you. Ik we already said this but are we still friends?

It's fine! Don't worry about it! And yes we're still friends! Love you <3 !

That's good, love you too <3


(Not proofread)

Istg I'm not afraid to kill Y/N off and make the most angsty shit you've ever seen if y'all don't tell me who you wanna end up with /srs

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