☆His Confession☆

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9/11/20, 12.34

It was a normal day for Y/N, well mainly since they just woke up a few minutes ago. They noticed they were no longer on call with Wilbur and checked their messages.


Today at 11.45

Sorry I had to hang up, Tommy needed me for a stream

Today at 12.35

You're fine!! Hope you two are having fun! <3

That's a relief, and thank you. We'll have even more fun just for you :)

Good to hear :>
Read at 12.36


They also saw 2 messages from Dream.


Today at 12.00

You're probably still sleeping
But do you wanna hang out later?

Today at 12.37

You were right
And yeah! I'd love to hang out with you
If you still wanna ofc

Yeah I still wanna, I'll pick you up in like
30 minutes?

Yeah! Sounds good, I'll see you then
Read 12.38


With that out of the way, Y/N changed into their outfit for the day and scrolled through tik tok until Dream came. They didn't bother eating, seeing as they knew Dream would buy them something.

They heard a car pull into their driveway and a knock at their door following it shortly after. They walked to the front door and opened it, greeting Dream with a hug.

"Ok, let's pick up some food from Taco Bell and then we can go to my place?" Dream suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, Stan." Y/N replied. The two went outside and went inside Dream's car. Once inside the car, Dream drove to the nearest Taco Bell and went to the drive through.

The two ordered their food and Dream paid. Clay then drove them to his house. They got out of the car with their food in hand and opened the door.

They were greeted by patches by her rubbing against both their legs. Y/N crouched down and scratched the cat's head.

Dream took them by the hand and led them to his room. "Wanna watch Bojack Horseman?" Dream asked as he used his tv remote to scroll through Netflix.

"Sure, it sounds interesting - and I haven't seen it sooo." Y/N answered, taking a bite of their food.

Dream put on the show and wrapped his arm around Y/N's shoulder. After a few episodes both their food was gone.

"Hey, Y/N..?" Dream asked. "Yeah?" Y/N replied.

"I know this isn't exactly the most... most uh great place to ask this but... would you- uh maybe like to be my significant other..?" Dream asked, stuttering a bit as he had grown nervous by asking the question.

Y/N blushed as he asked it, looking the taller in the eyes as they saw the blush that consumed his face as well.

"I- uh... yeah! I'd love to date you, Clay." Y/N answered, smiling at Dream. Although, something in both their hearts felt wrong.

"Really? Great!" Dream excitedly said, smiling back at Y/N as the two then turned their attention back to the show.

After a few hours Y/N was dropped back at their home. They and Dream had agreed to keep their relationship secret and to only tell their close friends.

So when Y/N was back on their pc the first thing they did was call Phil, hoping the older would pick up. And if he didn't the. They'd probably call Xisuma or Keralis, seeing as the two were also Y/N's best friends(and knew the real reason they left for some time).

Phil picked up, and Y/N began ranting to him. "So Dream asked me out I said yes and now we're dating but I don't know if I like.. actually like him..? I feel like a dick for possibly leading him on but I think I like him. Feelings are hardddd." Y/N complained.

"Woah, that was a lot to process. So you and Dream are dating now, but you don't know if you actually like him?" Phil asked, trying to be sure he got it right before he voiced his opinion.

"Yes, exactly." Y/N answered. "Ok well, how do you feel about dating him?" Phil asked.

"I feel... nice. Like he makes me feel better as a person and he listens and I genuinely feel so so so much better just by talking to him. But I don't know if I want to date him." Y/N answered.

"How about you give it a week or so and see how it feels, if you find out you don't actually like him then let him down easy. And if you find out you actually like him, then congrats." Phil suggested.

"Ok... yeah, yeah. I can do that. Thanks, Phil." Y/N said. "No problem, mate." Phil replied.

They ended the call and Y/N sat in their bed.


Today at 17:45




Nothing much, hbu?


Oh by the way, me, Tommy, Niki and Fundy were meeting on the 8th. I can fly you down again if you'd like?

You've bought me enough plane tickets, love. I'll buy my own if I'm for sure invited
But I don't wanna get in the way of you brits

It'll be fine
And are you sure?
I can totally buy your ticket if you need

Songbird, I'm one of the most subscribed people on both Twitch and YouTube. Thank you for the offer but I'll be fine
I should be the one offering you to plane tickets

Weird flex but ok
Soooo I'll see you on the 8th?

Yep :)
Can't wait to see you again

Me neither
Love you Y/N

Love you too Will <3



(Not proofread)

Relationships, am I right chat?

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