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Once Y/N ended their stream and tweeted the thing they wanted to, they got out of their chair and checked the kitchen.

The cabinets, much to their dismay, were empty. The sink had dishes piled up inside and the trash was way long overdue to get taken out.

Pulling out their phone, they took a picture and sent it to the chat they were in.

Losers who play Minecraft

LegoLand today at 17.34
I'm disgusted with myself

*insert image of their gross ass kitchen*

Technoblade today at 17.34
I think I can smell it from California.

dream today at 17.34
Where do you live? You said Florida, right?

LegoLand today at 17.34
Yep, why?

dream today at 17.34
Send me your address please.


Y/N shrugged slightly, not really thinking about it and sent Dream their address. Plus, they highly doubted he'd do anything to them.


dream today at 17.34
Be there in a sec, I can't even begin to imagine what the rest of your house looks like.

LegoLand today at 17.34
Ok but if you show up wearing a smile mask I'm slamming the door in your face.

Y/N was definitely excited to say the least, they were going to meet one of their best friends - actually one of their Faceless best friends. Meaning they'd get to see his face the same time they get to meet him, two birds one stone people.

Around ten minutes later, a knock at their door was heard. And since they were waiting by the door, it was answered almost immediately.

Before Y/N even got a look at his face, they engulfed him in a hug. Dream wrapped his arms around Y/N as well as the two shared this big step in their friendship.

"Surprise, surprise, you're not an old man." Y/N teased, "Mother did always say to not trust anyone on the internet."

"Man, am I the exception to that rule, pup?" Dream asked. He looked down at Y/N as they got a good look at him.

He had dirty blonde- almost light brown- hair, along with greenish eyes that perfectly complimented it. He was wearing plain jeans and a hoodie, despite the hot summers of Florida.

"Maybe, babe. But, you're an idiot for wearing a hoodie during the summer- along with jeans nonetheless!" Y/N slightly scolded.

"I think I look great." Dream huffed.

"I didn't say you didn't, you look amazing actually." Y/N said, noticing the light pink blush that now scattered Dream's face, "I just think it was a bad idea wearing long sleeved things during summer."

Dream lifted up Y/N's chin and slightly inspected them, "You're not bad looking yourself, sweetie."

This time, it was Y/N's turn to have blush on their face as they tried covering their face with their hands. But Dream wouldn't allow that, he grabbed both of Y/N's wrists with his free hand and made sure they were kept at their sides.

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