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(Hey this totally has nothing to die with the upcoming book, but would you guys rather see a DNF high school au or a Pokémon au with reader insert?)

Wilbur drove them home from the mall, the two slightly upset since their adventure had been cut short due to someone.

"Hey, it's getting late, wanna head to bed?" Wilbur asked, he grabbed their bags not letting Y/N get any.

They only silently nodded, their mind clouded with the words their mother spewed. The venom filled words left them nothing else in their mind.

Wilbur grabbed their hand as they were out of the car. He lead them to his house his thumb slightly rubbing their hand as a show of comfort.

He greeted Dave as he entered, but quickly brought Y/N to his room. "Wanna change before sleeping?" He asked. Y/N shook their head.

Wilbur broke at the sight of his normally cheery-flirty friend all broken down. "I'm gonna change then we can sleep.. even cuddle if you want."

Y/N wordlessly nodded as they waited patiently on his bed, their legs crossed and hands resting on their thighs.

Wilbur came back minutes later his outfit was changed to something more comfortable for sleeping.

He laid in the bed and pulled Y/N down with him. He spooned them similar to how Dream did. He had his arm around their waist and legs tangled. The only difference was he was holding their hand as well.

"You're not like her. The apple fell as far as it could." Wilbur comforted, he placed a kiss on their cheek as his head settled in the crook of their neck.

"Than-thank you." Y/N mumbled, their voice barely audible as Wilbur hummed his response.

The next afternoon when the two woke up they planned a stream later that day after they ate and changed.

"Hey, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. I just- her words were like- like thorns stabbing into my brain." Y/N said. "It's alright, I'm just glad you're ok now... I think." He said.

"I'm fine. Lets eat, change, and stream?" Y/N suggested. The brunette nodded and the two ate their breakfast at 3 pm.

They then changed their clothes and got in Wilbur's car and made their way to his office building.

"Alright, so basically we cannot be too loud or I will get kicked out. And there's a lot of people like doing their jobs so yeah." Wilbur said as they entered the building.

Y/N nodded and they went up to his office. Y/N saw his pc and immediately walked up to it. "Password, password, password." Y/N changed, not too loud in fear of their friend being kicked.

"DeezNutzUrMom." Wilbur answered. Y/N entered it in, not expecting it to work. But it did, his password was DeezNutzUrMom.

"You confuse me greatly, my dear." Y/N said as the password worked, a smile printed on their face as they stared at Wilbur.

"Hey, it's all in the name of the game, love." He replied. Y/N rolled their eyes and dragged the cursor over to the twitch icon on the hotbar.

They did all the technical stuff and they started the stream. They muted the mic as they were collecting themself and Wilbur sat in the chair while Y/N was off in the back out of view of the camera.

"Hello chat!" Wilbur greeted, his mic was unmuted and his camera was on. Chat filled with greetings.

Wilbur began doing the usual things he'd do on the DreamSMP, going around, mining, chatting with others. The stream was normal... until thirty minutes in Y/N knocked on the door and entered view of the camera.

"Hello..!" Y/N greeted, waving to the webcam as Wilbur slung an arm around their shoulder. "Yes, Y/N is here. Yes we slept in the same bed. No we will not kiss user19." Wilbur said. His mods timed out user19 for their comment about the two kissing.

They continued vibing on the server and soon Tommy asked to join vc. "How's it feel to have met the legendary?" He asked.

"But he hasn't met you, Tommy." Y/N replied. "It feels great." Wilbur answered. "Why thank you, Y/N." Tommy said.

"What did you need?" Wilbur asked. "Is it wrong to just hang with my two friends?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur was about to say something before Y/N cut in, "if course not, bud. Say, how's your house coming along? You need some dirt?"

"It's coming along splendidly and no, big man Tommyinnit doesn't need your pity dirt." Tommy answered.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything. I'll get you it, big man." Y/N said. "I will, Y/N." He replied.

The three chatted for the remainder of the stream as they just goofed and gaffed for a couple hours.

It was sweet.

(Not proofread)

Ik it's short, fight me 🙄🙄

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