☆almost broke kneecaps☆

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(Ngl lost motivation to write halfway through, but I forced myself to finish cuz you're all so cool)

After they had finished streaming the two decided to do a photo shoot by the local beach, although the two were fully clothed they were fully ready to jump in.

"Ok, idea time. We take a couple photos on the land and like 20 minutes later we each take pictures of the other floating on the water look like they drowned. And we post them separately on our Instagram and see who gets more concern." Y/N said as the two walked along the coast.

"I like that. But instead of it just flat out be in your face we have us dying in the background." Wilbur replied, pitching his own idea in the mix.

"I love you." Y/N said, half expecting the boy to disagree with their idea and call them insane. So that's what the two did.

They asked a nice couple on the beach to take their photos, in return Y/N and Will would take some of them.

"Thank you!" The two thanked after their deal exchanged with the couple. The photos they took were just them doing poses with each other.

"Alright, now time to be dead." Wilbur said, a smile on his face as the two walked into the cold water that honestly felt like ice cubes.

"We might actually die from how cold it is." Y/N joked. "Then we better get this done fast." Wilbur replied.

He got out phone out and y/n gave them theirs. They then went further out in the water. Y/N was floating with their back revealed to the surface while Wilbur had a smile and positioned his phone to focus on him with Y/N in the background.

Once it was taken Y/N dried their hands off on Wilbur's shirt and took the same picture except with Wilbur in the background instead of them.

"Can we please leave now?" Y/N asked, their teeth were clattering as they shivered. Both theirs and Wilbur's lips were purple.

"Yes, I don't think I can feel my foot." He answered. "That's no good." Y/N remarked.

"Wow, we have a new-age Sherlock here." Will sarcastically said, making Y/N roll their eyes at his tease.

The two got out the water but were greeted with summer rain, great. "Your car's gonna get all wet when we get in." Y/N said, patting Wilbur's shoulder.

"Not if I lock you out and ditch you." He replied. Y/N looked him in the eyes to see if he was lying or not.

"You wouldn't dare." Y/N challenged. "Oh yeah? Try me, darling." He smirked.

Y/N looked him in the eyes once more before they started to run to his car, almost slipped on the grass a few times since the rain had made it wet.

Unluckily for Wilbur, he had fallen and his knee landed on the concrete next to the grass patch. "Will!" Y/N gasped, said person was groaning in pain and holding his knee to his chest.

"It kinda hurts." He said through his teeth as his eyes squinted from the pain. "You think you can walk?" Y/N asked, crouching down next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Probably." He answered. Y/N rolled up his pants on the leg his knee hurt and examined it. It was starting to bruise a light brown color with the inner part of it bruising to be purple.

"It just looks like a bruise, you'll be fine but if it bothers you in like 3 days or so, we should probably get it checked out to be safe." Y/N said, lifting his leg closer to their face to get a closer look.

But by doing so they knocked him down to his back. "I'm coldddd." He complained, resting his body on his elbows as he watched Y/N.

"Alright, let's go to your house now then." Y/N replied, standing up and then extending a hand to Wilbur.

Wilbur pulled himself up with the help of Y/N and the two walked over to his car, Y/N helping him slightly to avoid puddles.

Once in the car, Y/N pulled out their phone to tweet.

LegoLand Y/U/N

Wilbur almost broke his knee 🤷


After it was tweeted, Y/N heard a ding from Wilbur's phone. "You have my notifications on?" Y/N asked, their tone slightly teasing.

"Of course I do, my love. Do you have mine on?" He asked. "Maybe, guess we'll never know." Y/N answered.

Then a ding from their phone was heard. They looked at the notification and saw a tweet from Wilbur that said "Test".

"I don't like you sometimes, my dear." Y/N huffed, crossing their arms and sat back in their seat.

"Love you too." He replied. He leaned over and kissed their cheek. He then started his car and the two drove back to his house.

They entered it after Wilbur had parked and they went to his room and sat on his bed. "I'm bored." Y/N complained.

"Have you tried not being bored?" He asked. "No sorry. Let me try that." Y/N replied. "Instead of being productive, wanna sleep?" Wilbur asked.

"Yes please." Y/N replied, apparently neither minding the wet clothes as Wilbur pulled them under the sheets and held them like he did last night.

So the two fell asleep at 7 without dinner or anything, just their breakfast from 3 pm.


(Not proofread)

It's almost four am, this chapter sucks, goodnight.

(The Pokémon au is being written and the prologue is like halfway done already)

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