☆The Feels☆

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9/10/20, 01.34

Y/N was up sitting at that PC on call with Techno and Phil. The three were just vibing, talking about random stuff that came to mind.

"Hey Phil, how's Kristen?" Y/N asked. "Oh, she's doing well." Phil answered.

"Say, Y/N, how's it hanging with your "friends" Wilbur and Dream?"Techno asked, his tone holding a slight teasing to it.

"I- wah- Whatcha mean about that, Techno?" Y/N asked, they were slightly flustered by the sudden question.

"You know exactly what he means, Y/N." Phil stated, "I was wondering that too, Y/N."

"There's- there's nothing going on between me and Wilbur or me and Dream!" Y/N huffed in slight annoyance, more or less more annoyed about them being flustered than the boys' teasing.

"Oh really? Then why did Wilbur tell us you two kissed." Techno asked. "He did what now?" Y/N gasped, their face heating up even more from the memory.

"You heard him." Phil said. "Is it getting hot in here or just me?" Y/N nervously joked.

"Fine- fine! We kissed, but it's not that big an issue! I mean, it was just in the heat of the moment. He doesn't actually like me like that, right?" Y/N asked.

"I dunno man, he told us-" Phil started. "Phil." Techno coughed. "Right, right." Phil said.

"What? What did he say?" Y/N asked. "Nothing, never mind." Phil replied.

"Ok then. I'll find out eventually." Y/N said. "Right. Anyway, what do you think of the boys?" Techno asked.

"They're-" Y/N hesitated, "They're two of my best friends, I really couldn't imagine a life without them."

"So you have no feelings for either?" Phil asked, carrying on the conversation. Y/N's silence spoke volumes.

"Y/N." Techno said in a stern tone. "No! I don't think so at least! Why are we just talking about my romantic relationship?" Y/N asked, trying to avoid the question best as they could.

"Because Phil is married and I'm, probably, forever single." Techno answered. "Maybe if you'd actually leave the house for once.." Phil said.

"It's literally a pandemic! heh?" Techno said, doing is famous noise at the end. "Like you went out before it." Phil replied.

"Ok well, in my defense outside is scary and I'd rather be in my house." Techno said, which Y/N agreed to.

Y/N was glad the conversation had derailed to something other then them and Wilbur and Dream.

The trio talked another hour before it got too late. They ended the call and Y/N went to their bed, they tried sleeping at first. And the again and again, but the peaceful slumber they ever so desperately craved as the clock read 3 am was yet to be delivered as they stared at the ceiling.

A buzzing from their phone woke them up more as they picked it up. "Hello?" They groggily answered.

"Oh shit, sorry did I wake you?" The familiar voice of Wilbur asked. "No no, you didn't, trust me. What's up?" Y/N answered.

"Good, good. Anyway, I'm honestly not to sure, I got bored so I called you. But it's really late where you are, so please just- just sleep man." Wilbur truthfully replied.

"But I wanna stay on call with youuu." Y/N said, dragging out the you as they snuggled into their blanket.

"But you need your sleep." Wilbur replied. "First of all, that's very uh- very - very... hypocritical! Hypocritical of you." Y/N said, "Second, sleep is less important than you, my songbird."

"Is that a new nickname or something? And no, sleep is very good and important for you. So please, just sleep." Wilbur replied.

"Yes it is. And fine, I'll sleep-" Y/N said. "I like it, and thank you. Goodnight Y/N." Wilbur replied.

"Ah! Ah! You didn't let me finish, I'll only sleep while on call with you. And I know it's like 8 something there, so you either woke up or are being insane- either way get your ass back in bed and sleep." Y/N finished.

"I- ok. I'll go back to sleep as soon as you fall asleep." Wilbur replied. "No, I'll sleep after you sleep." Y/N said.

"Let's sleep at the same time." Wilbur suggested. Y/N agreed to it and the taller got into his bed. Both cameras facing the ceiling as the two people on completely different continents fell asleep together.

Y/N was sucked into a dream of going on a date with a shadowy figure, their face obscured making it impossible to see their face.

Neither said a word as Y/N silently stared, trying to figure out who it was. But their efforts were easily futile as the shadowy figure's identity couldn't be revealed.

Wilbur's dream was different as he was out on a walk with Y/N, the two laughing as cars passed and the wind blew. They cracked jokes and it was clear to Wilbur who he had loved most.

The person he'd promised himself he wouldn't catch feelings for, yet ultimately failed. The person who lives so far away, yet feels so close in his heart. The person who could light up a room just by simply saying "hello", yet could never light up their own world to save their life.

Someone he'd consider to be his best friend. And there's no way his crush was going away that easy.

(Not proofread)
Falling asleep on call, just quirky things 🤪🤪

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