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It was an average day on the DreamSMP, Dream trailing behind Y/N and following them like a lost dog, the slightly new people doing random shit.

It was great.

And then, Y/N started streaming. They then joined the newbies' call with Dream following their lead.

"Hello, gentlemen." Y/N greeted, the few in the call were TommyInnit, Tubbo_, and Wilbur Soot. Two of which Y/N had already met through Techno.

"Hello, Y/N." The oldest, Wilbur, greeted back, "Say, isn't flirting with Dream getting a little old? Wouldn't you like a new person to flirt with?"

"I don't think so." Dream butted in. "I mean, I usually flirt or over compliment my friends a lot in general. So it doesn't matter." Y/N replied.

"So you wouldn't mind if I started calling you.. "love"?" Wilbur asked. "I guess not." Y/N shrugged.

"I mind." Dream mumbled. "Is dream jealous?" Tommy teased followed by a laugh from both him and Tubbo.

"There's no need to be jealous, dear, we live together - and sleep in the same bed." Y/N said, referring to their base in Minecraft which the two agreed on living together.

"Not for long. I'll get you in my bed before the end of the year." Wilbur said.

"Over my dead body." Dream defensively said, the two(dream and Y/N) walked over to where the trio was, they were at Tubbo's house.

Dream pulled out his diamond sword and Wilbur did the same, expect he had an iron sword.

"Nope." Y/N quickly said, diffusing the air, "you two aren't fighting over who gets to sleep with me."

"But babe!" "Love!"

"Nope, not hearing it from you two. Now, go find a corner and sit in it for 5 minutes each." Y/N instructed.

"Make me." Dream said. "I'll make you do worse if you don't get in that corner, pretty boy." Y/N said, their goal to make him flustered.

"THERE ARE CHILDREN IM THE ROOM!" Tommy shouted as Y/N finished their sentence.

"Sorry, it can get weirdly sexual at times. Anyway, Tubbo your house looks great!" Y/N praised.

"Thank you!" Tubbo replied, his voice held slight nervousness which was fine with Y/N seeing as they were now streaming to over 100 thousand people.

"Have you seen my house?" Tommy asked. "I'm afraid I haven't, mind leading me to it?" Y/N asked.

"Yes! C'mon Tubbo." Tommy said, the three of them left Wilbur and Dream in two corners of the house as the trio ventured off to Tommy's house.

"Wow! This looks great Tommy!" Y/N complimented, the house was similar to a hobbit hole with it being in the side of a hill and all.

"Thank you, I know I'm amazing." Tommy said with a slight ego. "Sure, big man, sure." Tubbo said.

The two teens started a friendly bicker which made Y/N chuckle a bit to themself.

"Can we come out now?" Wilbur asked after the five minutes, interrupting the teens' bickering.

"Fine, but you two better behave." Y/N scolded, "no more fighting or you'll be in trouble for longer."

"Fineeeee." Dream huffed. Him and Wilbur joined the other three at Tommy's house as the five of them fell into a conversation.

"So are you and Dream like dating?" Tommy asked Y/N.

"Nope, me and clay aren't dating. We just like flirting with each other, although it can get weirdly sexual at times - but it's all in good fun." Y/N smiled.

"Huh, interesting." Tommy said. Wilbur grumbled at Y/N explanation, "I flirt with you too you know."

"I know you do, Will, but Tommy was asking about Dream - not you - but you both flirt with me, Dream has just been doing it a little longer than you have." Y/N explained.

"Oh." Wilbur said, "Just don't forget I exist too."

"I won't." Y/N promised.

User19 donated 19$
Not Y/N pulling in all the guys, what's next? George?

"Thank you for the 19$ dono, User19! And I'm not exactly pull all the guys - we're all just friends and it's all a bit!" Y/N explained once more.

"Nope, I'm actually madly in love with Y/N." Dream said. "Me too!" Wilbur chimed in.

"You're both unbearable, loves." Y/N said.

"Stop flirting!" Tommy complained. "Sorry, Toms." Y/N replied.

"It's fine. Me and Tommy are leaving anyway." Tubbo said, Tommy disagreed, saying how he wanted to stay in the call with Y/N.

Eventually the two teens left, leaving the love corner trio thing they have going on. Wilbur left Tommy's house for a second and came back with a single purple/lavender flower.

"Here, a purple flower, the color suits you." Wilbur smiled. He threw Y/N the flower, to which they put in their Ender chest.

"Thank you, Dear." Y/N said with a smile on their face. Y/N then crouched and un-crouched multiple times as a symbol of gratitude.

"No problem, love." Wilbur said. Dream grumbled at Wilbur giving Y/N an allium and then actually liking the gift.

Dream ran from Tommy's house and came back with an orange tulip to which he named "For my love". He then came back to Tommy's house and threw Y/N the flower.

"There." Dream cockily said, turning his character to Wilbur and hitting him.

"Awww you even named it!" Y/N gushed, "thank you!!"

Y/N walked up over to Dream and crouched, "mwah!" Y/N said, making a kissing noise to dream.

"Haha yes! Our first kiss!" Dream cheered. "So you didn't enjoy my gift as much as his..?" Wilbur asked, artificial hurt in his voice.

"No no! It's not like that, here." They crouched at Wilbur's character and kissed it as well. "Problem solved."

"I don't like you, Wilbur." Dream said. "The hate is mutual, Clay." Wilbur replied.

"Both of you." Y/N sternly said, "I'm not afraid to put you two in time out again."

"Yes, mother(sorry if this offends/or makes you uncomfortable in anyway, you can change it in your head)." Dream sarcastically said.

"Shut up." Y/N said, rolling their eyes.

(Not proofread)

Orange flowers usually signify desire, enthusiasm. And purple/lavender flowers usually mean love at first sight, enchantment.
(Got this off of Google, please don't murder me if im wrong)

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