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(Before we begin I'd like to thank you guys for over 2k reads and over 100 votes, it truly means the world to me <3) ((and I'm totally just doing whatever I want for this mcc, I don't feel like looking stuff up, sorry))

"Wha-" "look it was either that or me saying "kinky" which would you prefer?"

"I mean, I guess we'll find out when we meet." Dream slyly replied, a smirk clear in his voice.

"Haha, you're so funny, Clay." Y/N said in a deadpan voice, although their face was slightly heated up.

User17 donated 18$
There are children here you two 😳

"Yeah, Clay, there's children here. So shut up with the sex jokes." Y/N said.

"So are they just for dm's then?" He teased, "aww, does wittle ol' Y/N wanna flirt in dm's."

"Fuck off." Y/N said, rolling their eyes and continuing to build their house. With barely any help from the bastard, they finished their cottage like house.

The house was mainly white with spruce accents, many plants and leaves acted as decoration around the house

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The house was mainly white with spruce accents, many plants and leaves acted as decoration around the house.

Dream placed two beds down as it was getting dark out. He and Y/N slept in their beds with slight teases here and there.

The stream carried on for another 2 hours before the two called it quits and Y/N ended their stream.

"Bye, Dream! It was nice talking to you!" Y/N said as they ended the call. "Bye, Y/N!" The older male replied.

The call ended and the two carried on with their normal lives. Y/N had given Dream their address seeing as he wouldn't stop pestering them about it.

Dream today at 17.23
You won't regret this!

LegoLand today at 17.23
I better not my beloved.

Time skip to MCC


It was an hour before the famous event, Y/N had decided to meet Sapnap, the one person on their team they didn't know.

"Soooo hello." Y/N awkwardly said to the Texan.

"Hi, you know Dream right?" He asked. "Uh yeah, me and him are close friends I'd say." Y/N replied. "Great, he's actually my best friend." Sapnap said.

"Oh really? That's so cool! Philza Minecraft is my best friend." Y/N said, piping their own friend. 'Yet you won't tell Phil what happened.' A voice echoed through their head, which honestly stung Y/N deep in the heart.

They shook it off and continued talking with Sapnap until around 30 minutes before the event started, to which they both muted and started their streams.

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