☆The Election☆

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9/22/20, 12:45


Y/U/N is live!
the election. (DSMP LORE)

As the stream started Y/N greeted their chat as it flew past their eyes, their viewers excited for the upcoming events that would soon be unraveled as the stream went on.

"Ok, so what we're going to do is wait around the podium till everyone is on. I think Tubbo had to show Tommy and Wilbur something, but I dunno." Y/N said.

They took a book and quill from their inventory and began writing.

'Sep. 22nd 2020

I feel strongly we're going to win, the Pog Presidential cabinet I mean, but what if we lose?

What if Quackity and George do actually come forward and win? Will we have to live in a country run by people who didn't even fight in the war we had to - and a guy who fought on the opposite side of us.

No, no, we're going to win. I know it. Right?'

They closed the book and put it back in their inventory when a discord ping rang through their ears.

members: Tubbo, Tommyinnit, WilburSoot, LegoLand

WilburSoot today at 12:50
It's about to start, you lot ready?

LegoLand today at 12:50
Ready to win 👉😎👉


The other two in the group chat have their answers "Yes" and "yeah". Y/N was dragged into the Election vc where everything was going to happen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are gathered here to find out who is next to run this- this great nation." Wilbur said, pride and a smile clear in his voice as he spoke.

"As a refresher, the candidates are; Fundy and Niki, Schlatt, Quackity and George and finally me and Tommy." Wilbur introduced.

"Just get to the count already." Schlatt scowled. "Yes, please." Fundy added.

"Fine." Wilbur replied, he began announcing the votes. But, that led to most of Coconut2020 votes being revealed to have been from burn accounts created by Fundy.

"In last place, without the burner accounts, we have coconut2020 with 9%. Third, we have Schlatt2020 with 16%. Second, we have Swag2020 with 30%. And in first place we have my party with 45%." Wilbur announced. Tommy began celebrating his clear victory with a 15 point lead from Swag2020.

Wilbur tried calming him down, repeating his name until he stopped when Schlatt began laughing his evil up to no good laugh.

"He really didn't tell you?" Quackity asked, a laugh following soon afterwards. "What..?" Tommy asked in response.

"Tommy, they- they formed a coalition last night. Me and Y/N agreed to it, we got too cocky." Wilbur explained.

"I'm sorry.." Y/N mumbled to Tommy.

"Recount, recount." Quackity and Schlatt chanted.

"Coconut2020 with 9%, Pog2020 with 45%, and Swag-Schlatt2020 with 46%..." Wilbur announced, his voice no longer holding the pride that it once did.

"Wh-what?" Tommy croaked, "It's only one point! Surely not, Wilbur?"

He pleaded, trying to claim the victory that was supposed to be his. The victory he wanted, borderline needed.

"Tommy. Tommy." Wilbur said, trying to get his attention off of the new president and Vice President.

"I'm so sorry." Y/N mumbled once more. "It's not entirely your fault, don't blame yourself." Wilbur replied.

"You four(Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, Fundy) off my podium now!" Schlatt commanded. The four quickly listened.

Schlatt began his speech, but at the end there was a shocker to everyone.

"My first decree as the president of L'manberg - the EMPEROR of this great country - is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur soot and Tommyinnit!"

Niki and Y/N began their protests, "you can't!" They cried. But he could.

And he did.

Quackity and George began shooting at Wilbur and Tommy as they retreated into the far spruce forest.

Schlatt made Tubbo Secretary of State, which confused the teen greatly. "hunt them down, as your new President you must do as I say." Schlatt told Tubbo.

Schlatt also raised Taxes on Niki, deciding to spare Y/N seeing as he needed them to work for him in the future.

The two brits, Tommy and Wilbur, ran as far as they could. Not looking back as they tried getting away from that place as quick as they could.

The two eventually found a cave system that contained two ravines, deciding to make it their home.

"We need- we need to get Y/n." Wilbur said, trying to leave the home they had just built, "who knows what schlatt's planning with them."

"Will!" Tommy said, punching the brunette, "Dream isn't going to let anything happen to Y/N - you know that. I'd you need them that bad then we can go tomorrow, it's too dangerous right now."

Wilbur was surprised by Tommy's sudden maturity and impulse control. Any other day he'd be rushing out the door to help.

But today was different.

"Fine. Fine!" Wilbur said with both annoyance and guilt in his voice. Annoyed Tommy was correct while guilty because he couldn't be able to save Y/N.

Back with Y/N, they sat in the White House with Schlatt and Quackity. "We want you to.. pretty up the place. I mean, you're a hermit." Schlatt said.

"I don't want to help you or him." Y/N huffed. "I was afraid you'd say that." Schlatt sighed, he went into the Ender chest that they had and pulled out two flowers Y/N immediately recognized when he put them in his hands.

The orange tulip and the allium.

Y/N looked in the Ender chest and saw two missing spots where the flowers would usually be kept. "How did you get those?" They asked, "answer me, dammit!"

Schlatt didn't reply and instead only took out a flint and Steel, showing it off to Y/N. "I think you know where this is going." Quackity said, his voice low in a commanding yet with undertones of teasing way.

"Fine. Fine! Just please, not the flowers." Y/N pleaded. "That's what I like to hear. Now leave." Schlatt replied, putting the flowers back in the Ender chest.


(Not proofread)

I'd like to thank you all for the continuous support, it truly means the world to me <3

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