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Tw// depressed themes(negative voices in head, thoughts of self harm, voices saying to kys)

After Y/N had left the call with Phil, something felt.. empty about them. Almost as if they'd already missed his gentle tone he had with them.

"Get a grip." A voice seethed in their ear, "he's happy to be rid of you. He doesn't like you, non of your friends do."

"Just kill yourself..."

"No one would care..."

"You disappeared for 2 years and no one reached out, they didn't care- they don't care."

"Please... leave me alone." Y/N cried, bringing their hands to their head and covering their ears, the voices getting louder and echoing as they repeated "Cut yourself".

They considered it, their eyes flickering to the bathroom connected to their bedroom, the bathroom was where they kept their razors.

A discord ping misplaced their thoughts as they recollected themselves, heading to their computer and seeing a discord pm from Xisuma.


Xisuma 2/21/18
I understand, I hope you the best and whatever you're going through gets better soon.

LegoLand 2/21/18
Thank you, X. You and Keralis are the only people I've told, I know I can always count on you

Xisuma 2/21/18
No problem, don't hesitate to talk to me if you need too, ok?


LegoLand today at 10.45 pm

Xisuma today at 10.46 pm
Oh my gosh, Y/N?!

Xisuma today at 10.46 pm
Are you alright?

LegoLand today at 10.46 pm
Yep, just peachy

LegoLand today at 10.46 pm
I was actually wondering if I could join hermitcraft again, I know it's the middle of the season

Xisuma today at 10.46 pm
Of course! It'll be great to have you back on the server, you always were the favorite of everyone

Xisuma today at 10.46
And I think sometimes you forget that

LegoLand today at 10.47 pm
I wasn't everyone's favorite, but thank you

LegoLand today at 10.47 pm
Also, I'm already in the discord, all you've got to do is whitelist me and give me the ip

Xisuma today at 10.47 pm
I know you're in the discord, Mumbo and Iskall started a cult channel thing where they offer your dead account flowers.

LegoLand today at 10.47 pm
That's weirdly sweet in a way

LegoLand today at 10.47pm
Kinda unsettling too, but I can't judge

Xisuma today at 10.47 pm
they'll all be elated to know you're alive and safe.

Xisuma today at 10.47 pm
Since you promised me and keralis to not say anything, and we didn't break a promise, we couldn't tell anyone what you were going through and why you left.

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