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Y/N woke up before Clay and tried leaving his grasp, but the older only held them tighter. His head buried further into their neck as his arm brought them closer to his stomach.

"Mmmmmm." Dream groaned, "you can't leave yet."

"Why notttt?" Y/N replied, once again trying to leave the blonde's grasp. He only pulled them closer with each attempt- if that was even possible.

"It's too earlyyyy." Dream answered. The sunlight bleeding from under the curtains proved him wrong as it was at least noon.

"Please?" Y/N begged. With one last groan of distaste, he hesitated before letting go. "I've got to go home soon, Patches needs to be fed." Dream explained.

"Ok, but when?" Y/N asked. "Probably in like 30 minutes or so." He shrugged.

The two finally got out of the bed and stretched. "You look hot." Dream blurted. Y/N started laughing.

"Thank you, dear." Y/N replied, wiping their eyes from the happy tears that formed from their laughing.

"No problem, love." Dream smiled, "say, wanna go out for lunch later? After I feed my beloved, dear - spoiled- cat."

"Sure." Y/N giggled, "sounds fun."

"Great! I'll pick you up at like... 2.?" He offered. "Sounds good." Y/N replied, they ruffled Dream's hair and gave him a hug.

"Well, I love you, I'll get going now." Dream said, he planted a kiss atop Y/N's head and gave them a smile.

Which they returned with a small blush on their face, "Love you too."

Dream left the house, leaving Y/N alone. Y/N decided to get dressed for the day. And they checked the time; 12:45 pm.

They started streaming, just a small little stream.

"hello chat!" Y/N greeted, "in like an hour I'm going on a date like thing with Dream!"

As soon as those words were said, Wilbur joined their call, "When you come to England I swear I'm going to actually spoil you so much you'll prefer me over him any day."

"When did I say I was coming to England, love?" Y/N asked. "Wellllllll...." Wilbur began.

"No. You didn't." Y/N said in a surprised voice, trying not to get their hopes up if this was just a bit.

"Oh I definitely did, dear." Wilbur replied, "I do need your address though so please send that to me."

"Oh my... I love you so much." Y/N said, "I'm actually going to suffocate you in a hug when I get there."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, doll." Wilbur replied, "Well, I'll be going now, goodbye dear."

"Bye, love!" Y/N said as the older/taller left the call. Y/N continued on the DreamSMP and just kinda vibed waiting for the clock to strike 2.

At 1:57 Y/N ended stream in a hurry as they heard a car pull into the driveway. They practically ran downstairs and jumped into the blondes arms as he opened the door.

"Woah there, hello." He smiled, wrapping his arms around them as well. "I missed you." Y/N admitted.

"Love it's only been and hour." Dream replied, he brushed his hand through their hair and kissed their head.

"An hour too long." Y/N said, making Dream giggle slightly. After a minute, the two were in the car. Dream always having his hand intertwined with Y/N's as he drove.

"I didn't know where to go.... So we're at Starbucks." Dream sheepishly explained. "Oh my god, we can live out our basic girl dreams!" Y/N said.

"Let's go get some starbies!" Dream said in an overly peppy voice as the two exited the car. The man received weird looks from strangers walking past them.

Y/N laughed as Dream blushed from embarrassment, it was a funny - and weirdly cute- scene to see.

"What are you laughing at, doll." Dream asked, gaining his confidence and this time it was Y/N's turn to blush.

"Fuck you." Y/N replied, rolling their eyes as the two walked inside the all too famous Starbucks.

"I'll get a [Your order] and a plain black coffee with a grilled cheese." Dream ordered, Y/N felt themself smile as he ordered for them.

"A plain black coffee?" Y/N asked, Dream nodded, "the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Shut up." Dream laughed. The worker handed them their food and wished them well. "Hey, wanna head to the park?" Y/N asked.

"Sure, there's one by my house then we can watch some movies at my place." Dream suggested.

"Sounds like a plan Stan." Y/N replied, they tried doing finger guns to him, but forgot their hands were full.

"The fuck was that?" Dream asked, trying not to laugh at Y/N's failure. "Shut up, I don't like you." Y/N replied.

"That's not what you said last night." He flirtatiously said. Y/N pushed him lightly as the two returned to his car.

They put their drinks in the cup holders and Dream had Y/N hold his food. "I'm not your little maid, Clay." Y/N complained. "Shut up and hold my hand." Dream replied.

Y/N complied and held his hand, he rubbed their hand with his thumb as he drove. Y/N felt comfort in that action as they smiled to themself.

They arrived at the park and got out the car. They found a bench and sat down. "So how've you been?" Y/N asked.

"Besides busting my ass helping you clean your kitchen yesterday, I've been pretty well." Dream answered, "how about you?"

"Hey! You're the one who showed up at my house, shut it!" Y/N replied, "but yeah! I've been well! And it's great to hear you're good as well!"

Y/N leaned their head on Dream's shoulder and finished their food. After they both finished their meal, they got back in the car and drove to Dream's house.

"I'll get some blankets, you can go up to my room. It's the first room up the stairs." Dream said. Y/N nodded and went up the stairs. They opened the door Dream told them to and entered.

They sat on his bed and looked around the room. They saw his pc, which was way better than Y/N's, and smiled.

That pc was the reason they met, without it the two most definitely wouldn't have been as close as they are. The thought alone of never meeting Dream was enough to make Y/N feel like curling in a ball and question everything.

"Let's watch the movies!" Dream cheered, he threw a blanket on top of Y/N and turned on his tv. He turned on the movie of his choosing and cuddled against Y/N, making it clear they weren't leaving that spot.

This chapter was absolute DOGSHIT so sorry. Love you all <3

(And I'm totally watching boomer while writing this 😎😎)

((I forgot to change the title ✋💀))

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