Chapter 2- Heat:

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I woke up the next morning with my covers thrown off of the bed. I had barely slept because of the heat. I opened the window in my dorm to cool it off, but the outside air was even hotter than inside. All I wanted to do was jump in the community pool.

Too bad, (Y/N), I said to myself, Academic success waits for no one, even if it is just ceramics.

I groaned and packed my backpack with my school supplies, slipped on something to keep myself cool in this temperature, and headed out to class. The black concrete emanated heat and burned through the rubber soles of my shoes. I started speed-walking to keep my feet from blistering.

"What the hell is this weather?" I asked tiredly, wiping the sweat from my brow as I stared into the bright sun. Other worn-out college students passed by me, all with the same drowsy expression and posture caused by heat exhaustion. When I reached the door to class, I smiled, ready to feel the burst of cold air hit my chest when I stepped in. I opened the door quickly and—


"Huh?" I panicked. "Where's the AC?"

Professor Hanji was asleep at their desk, clutching their mini fan desperately.

"AC's out," Reiner, a muscular blond boy, answered. "It's not a free day, though. Apparently, we have a project due today."

I put my head in my hands, "Why me, God? Whyyy?"

I heaved myself to my desk and threw myself onto my stool, watching more students stream into the class, all of them sweating, all of them in shorts, tank tops, and everything that could barely pass dress-code.

I pulled out my clay like usual and got to work on my project, not surprised that Eren was missing. He always showed up late, if he even showed up at all. When I was almost halfway done with my project, he walked in. I looked away, pretending that I hadn't noticed. As I worked, however, I took small glances up at him, curious as to what he was doing.

Still sulking. I noted he was wearing a different jacket. Wait... A jacket? In this heat?

I looked up slightly to see his face. Like usual, most of it was covered by his hood and his hair, but it was obvious that he was glistening with sweat. Why doesn't he just take it off? Clearly, he's burning up.

I cleared my throat, preparing to speak, but thought better of it. Eren didn't take notice. He fiddled with his ring, taking it off and spinning it around on the table like a coin. I turned my attention back to my project, realizing that Eren wasn't going to give me any of the information that I wanted.

"Eren," Reiner called from across the classroom.

Eren lifted his head up quietly and stared at Reiner with an apathetic expression, letting the ring drop and folding his arms over his chest.

"Prof needs everyone to sign this," the blond said, walking up to our table and sliding over a white slip of paper. Eren made no move to grab it.

Reiner eyed Eren and turned to me as if to ask what Eren's deal was. I shrugged in reply.

"What's it for?" I asked, pulling out a pen for myself.

"Some field trip to a museum," Reiner said, "Apparently there are some famous ceramic pieces we need to study to 'improve our own work'," he put up finger quotes. "I dunno. I only took this class so I could meet my elective requirement to graduate."

"Interesting," I mused, grabbing the corner of the paper with my finger and slowly pulling it away from Eren. I signed the paper and pushed it back to him, still making casual conversation with Reiner to distract the blond from Eren's strange demeanor.

Eren needs friends, right? I can't let Reiner think he's weird. Although, an entire semester has already passed... I'm pretty sure he's noticed by now.

I darted my eyes in Eren's direction to see if he'd signed the paper yet. To my surprise, he looked back up at me. My eyes widened and I quickly looked away, continuing my conversation with Reiner as if nothing had happened. I wish he would hurry up already, I thought. I'm getting bored of talking to Reiner.

Eren's arm flashed towards me and I flinched back slightly, panicking, drawing Reiner's attention to Eren.

Soon enough, however, I relaxed, noticing that Eren had only reached out to borrow the pen I had left out on the table beside me to sign the sheet. He slid the paper back over to Reiner:

"Bye, Reiner," Eren cut him off quietly, picking up his silver ring and sliding it on his hand again.

Reiner blinked in surprise, then took the paper and walked away quietly.

I watched in silence as Eren spun my pen between his fingers casually. He flashed his green eyes up at me and chewed his lip.

Was this his attempt to make conversation with me?

I tried ignoring him, still hesitant to talk to him after what had happened yesterday, but it was difficult. His hollow green eyes stared deeply into me. I didn't enjoy the feeling of being watched. He seemed to be waiting for something.

I sighed deeply, then started, "What, Eren?"

"Don't you want your pen back?" he asked coarsely.

"If you need it, you can use it," I replied evenly.

Eren rolled his eyes and grunted, slamming the pen down irritably onto the table as he stood up. He stalked out of class, taking my pen with him.

What was that all about?

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