Chapter 3- The Party:

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    That same day, I sat on the lawn in front of my dormitory, making a weak, last-minute attempt at studying for my World Health exam, given so graciously to me by Professor Levi. Though it was still extremely hot outside, it was cooler than inside my dorm, so I had decided to spend my next free hours working on the grass. I sighed, burrowing myself in yet another book on sanitation before I felt a large, heavy hand shake my shoulder.

    "Hey," Jean removed his hand and stood to his full height, towering over my sitting frame. "Floch is throwing a party tonight at his Frat House." I raised an eyebrow and Jean responded, "He's in Delta Tau Delta." I gave him another confused look. "The Greek letters are supposed to represent the Scales of Justice, if that's what you're asking about."

    "Justice? Floch? I don't think the two have any correlation," I commented.

    "Yes, well... Floch does have a sense of justice... it's just extremely skewed," Jean paused and stretched his arms into the air. "Regardless," he yawned, "Do you think you'd want to go?"

    "I hate Floch," I said shortly.

    "Yeah, so do I," Jean agreed. "And what about it?"   

    "Well, if I hate him, then why would I go to his party?"

    "Because alcohol. And drugs. And free snacks you can steal and bring back to your dorm for later."

    "You sound like Sasha," I teased.

    He shrugged, "I've been short on cash lately... If I need food, this is the easiest and most fun way for me to do it." Jean waited and, when I didn't reply, he repeated, "Do you want to go or not? Sasha and Connie will be there too, of course."

    "Is that supposed to be a selling point?" I asked sarcastically.

    Jean smiled awkwardly, wiping the sweat off of his brow. "God, it's so fucking hot," he mumbled in between thoughts, then continued in a normal voice: "I guess not. Either way—"

    "Yes, Jean— I'll go." I interrupted. "I know you're not going to leave me alone until I say 'yes', so 'yes'. Now, leave me alone so I can finish studying for—"

    "—And most likely fail—" he added.

    I sighed, "... And most likely fail— this test."

    "Alright," he said cheekily. Jean walked away proudly, having acquired another friend to accompany him to a terrible social event.

    I watched his figure disappear as he turned the corner around my dorm and sighed deeply, burying myself back into my work.


    I pushed open the heavy metal door leading to the outside of campus and blistering heat. A wave of hot air hit me in the chest and I grimaced. Professor Levi's class had working AC, which had provided some respite from the weather, but it made stepping back outside all the more difficult. As I took another step into the heat cloud, my phone started buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered the call:

    "Hello?" I asked.

    "Hey, (Y/N). How'd you do on the test?" Sasha asked.

    I groaned, "Absolutely terrible. I just left class."

    "Nice," I could practically see her knowing smile through the phone. "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up before Floch's party so we can arrive at the same time. I hate walking up to things like that alone."

    "Sure," I agreed. "What about Jean and Connie?"

    "They're going early to 'help set up', which I think is code for 'we're going to take as many bags of unopened chips as possible instead of actually helping'." Sasha sighed sadly, "I wish I could've come with."

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