Chapter 20- Clicking:

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    On Monday, Eren showed up to ceramics on time and well-dressed. He did his work diligently and efficiently, and, to the outside world, seemed like a completely functioning human being. And he was. But, that was only because he had developed high-functioning depression.

    To my chagrin, Professor Hanji had moved him back to his original seat, so I sat across from him quietly, unable to meet his gaze. I was so embarrassed from what happened when I had last seen him and I didn't know how to act or what to do. It seemed like there was no way Eren would let me help him.

    Do I tell administration? No. I couldn't do that. Eren would only be caught up in the same loophole again. But, how could I help him? I didn't want a repeat of what happened on the beach. What if the next time, there was no one there to save him?

    Eren fiddled with his earring and pushed his dark hair out of his eyes. I noticed that he hadn't put his ring on since he'd come back. I guess I had tainted it for him...

    I wondered if he had hooked up with that brunette again since I last saw him. Or any other girl, for that matter. I wouldn't be surprised. Not that I cared or anything. I was just curious if the other girls he'd been intimate with had noticed his scars.

    I bit my lip, trying to push away those thoughts and focus on my project. It was stupid of me to get so invested. I wasn't Eren's savior. He was right to keep me away. He shouldn't rely on me to keep him stable, especially since I probably wasn't capable of doing that.

    "Projects away, children!!" Professor Hanji announced enthusiastically, jumping out of their seat. "Notes out!"

    The class groaned. I packed my project away and pulled my notebook out without complaint. Lately, I had been too tired to care about anything. I turned in my seat to face the front of the class, peeking at Eren out of the corner of my eye. He pulled out a fresh notebook and flipped to an empty page. Professor Hanji began speaking.

    I started quickly jotting down notes. I noticed Eren wasn't taking anything down.

    He doesn't have a pen! I observed. Maybe I can give him one!

    I knew it sounded stupid to get excited about something rudimentary like that, but I saw it as an opportunity. I ducked under the desk to grab an extra pen for Eren, but when I resurfaced, I saw he had found one of his own. Damn. Looks like I missed my chance.

    I sighed deeply, clicking my pen quickly in frustration. *...Click click click click click...*

    ...If only I didn't bother talking to him yesterday...

    *...Click click click click click...*

    ...Why'd things have to end like that?...

    *...Click click click click click...*

    ...I'm such an idiot...

    *...Click click click click click—*

    "Hey—" Eren's green eyes shot up hatefully at me. "Can you stop that? I'm trying to focus."

    For a second, I stopped. My thumb hovered over the clicker hesitantly. Eren looked back down and continued writing. I frowned, feeling a sudden burst of rebelliousness.

    You know what, Eren? I stared at him angrily. No.

    I started clicking the pen even faster, looking him dead in the eye when he peered back up at me. I could feel his contempt growing by the second, but what did I have to lose? Clearly, nothing. Not with how things had been going lately. And, if this trivial annoyance was what was going to get me attention, then I'd keep at it.

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