Chapter 28- Hotel:

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Hey y'all!! I hope this posts on time-- my connection is so trash right now! Hope y'all enjoy the new chapters! Please lmk what u think!! Love you all so much ❤️❤️


I knocked on the door to room 106, waiting for Hitch to answer. She greeted me with an overly-enthusiastic hug, guiding me to her vanity immediately.

"So, how've you been? Are you excited for tonight?" Hitch started, already getting out her makeup. She was still dressed in a robe and slippers, her hair wrapped in curlers.

"Been fine, and I guess so," I replied unenthusiastically.

"Don't worry, you'll enjoy it," she said, rubbing primer onto my cheeks. "You probably won't recognize anyone at this party, which gives you the chance to be whoever you want to be. Isn't that amazing?"

I grunted. "I guess."

"Just save some of the boys for me, okay, (Y/N)?" Hitch smiled.

I smiled back, realizing I was being cold. I was just upset because Eren had left me this morning without saying goodbye. When I woke up, he was nowhere to be found, and when I texted him, I hadn't gotten a reply. I cursed myself internally for caring so much. I already know that he's just using me— so why can't I just get over it?

"So, what's been going on with you and Eren?" Hitch asked, reading my mind. "He hasn't texted me in awhile, and I'd like to think that's your fault."

I smiled wanly. "Do you miss him?"

"Not really," she replied, applying liquid liner onto my eyes. "I just miss... well, you know."

I pursed my lips. Yeah, I know, I thought embarrassedly.

"We study together sometimes," I said. "I don't really interact with him at parties or in class, though."

"Oh," Hitch reacted, eyes widening, "So, it's a secret thing, then? Interesting..."

I stopped her before her mind could wander: "It's not— I just don't think he's capable of having any kinds of relationships with anyone, at least right now. You were there when Yelena said it: Eren doesn't want to get better. He likes keeping everyone at a distance."

"So, why is he with you, like, all the time, then?" Hitch asked suspiciously. "Seems kind of contradictory to me."

I sighed, "It's not, Hitch. You know why he keeps me around."

"You give good head?" she smirked.

I pursed my lips. "... Sure, whatever. He keeps me around for sexual benefits— that's all I'm gonna say."

"You must be pretty good for him to cut me off just like that," Hitch laughed.

"I doubt it. Sexual benefits and homework answers, I should add. I see him leaving parties with random girls all the time."

Hitch frowned at my comment: "And he won't text me? Devastating," she said sarcastically. "Oh, well. I'll recover, I think."

Hitch finished my makeup and her own before we moved onto dresses. She had quite a selection. In the end, she decided on a very skintight dress that showed the tiniest bit of my ass. I flushed, not used to dressing up to draw attention to myself. I won't deny it, though— I looked pretty fucking good.

Hitch had a similar dress on, albeit a bit more scandalous, and black heels like mine. Hers happened to be taller, though, because I was barely capable of walking in two inch ones.

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