Chapter 16- The Earring:

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Hey y'all~ I'm sorry for updating later today-- I had a couple issues to deal with, but I'm okay now! I hope you enjoy these new chapters and please lmk what you think!! I love you all SO SO much, thank you so much for reading ❤️❤️❤️ 

The next day, I skipped ceramics. Perhaps, I was going a bit overboard, but I was allowed one excused absence per semester and I hadn't used mine yet. At this point, it seemed like I would do anything to avoid seeing Eren.

I knew that deep down in my heart, I wanted to talk to him again, but, on the surface, this was not the boy I had wanted to interact with.

As I lounged around all day, one image kept reappearing in my mind: that stupid silver earring Eren had worn. Where had it come from? Did someone give it to him? Was that someone another girl? Did something happen between him and said girl?

I wasn't sure why, but that stupid piece of metal had been bothering me since I had first seen Eren wearing it. All day I had been wondering where he had gotten it from, and I couldn't get it off of my mind.

Why do I even care?! I thought irritably. It's just a stupid fucking earring! It probably means nothing! I mean, Eren wore new clothes and I couldn't care less, but oh, God forbid he puts on a fucking earring! Now (Y/N)'s gonna lose it!

"AGHHHHH!!!" I screamed, shoving my face into a pillow. "GODDAMNIT, YEAGER, YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!"

I only stepped outside once that day, and it was just to grab lunch— but, of course, Eren saw me. As I paid for my food, I watched from the corner of my eye as he stood up and began walking over to me.

Absolutely not.

When my card finally went through, Eren was only ten feet away, so I grabbed my sandwich as fast as humanly possible and sprinted to my dorm at full speed, praying that Eren didn't care enough to try and catch me.

Thankfully, he didn't, and I arrived to my dorm safely.

I chewed my sandwich in silence, staring off into space as a boring Netflix reality show played as white noise in the background. I heard a soft knock at the door and checked my phone before answering. It was two in the afternoon, meaning Sasha, Jean, and Connie were all in Professor Levi's class right now. Who could be visiting me at this hour? RA? I wasn't hiding any illegal substances.

I stood up and dusted the crumbs off of my shirt before walking to the door and opening it just a crack. My face paled: Eren?

"Oh, (Y/N), you're here," he pursed his lips in a smile. "I have your notes for you—"

I slammed the door closed on him. No. Absolutely not. No no no no no—

Eren knocked again. "(Y/N)?" he called, voice muffled through the door. "I just want to give you your notes back." He paused, waiting for me to answer. "I promise I won't talk to you, okay?"

I bit my lip. Shit. He knows that I don't want to see him? What was I thinking— of course he did! As if it weren't obvious. Now, I felt horrible. Poor Eren had just come back from a fucking mental hospital, and now the only person who experienced that tragedy with him refused to speak to him.

I sighed, opening the door again.

"Here," Eren said shortly, holding out the notes. I noticed the little silver earring swing around as he moved.

I didn't take the binder from him.

"(Y/N)," he said, tone rising, "Take the notes."

I still didn't move. Eren wasn't wearing his ring. Did it lose its value to him because I kept it for so long? Did I taint it for him? And, more importantly, my mind thought jealously, who the fuck gave him that earring?

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