Chapter 8- Notes:

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- mentions of drug use

The next day, Monday, I walked into Professor Hanji's class without a word, sitting on my stool and pulling out my notebook. I could tell by the freshly cleaned whiteboard that today would be a lecture day, most likely about what we learned yesterday.

"Hello, children!!" Professor Hanji started class excitedly. "Today is another lecture day— oh, don't groan, Reiner, please— and, along with it, administration wants some proof that their money for the museum trip wasn't a waste, so a ten page reflection will also be due— Reiner! Stop with the groans!!" They put their hands on their waist. "I'm sorry you guys— you know how much I hate giving out papers, but I want to keep my job, so..."

Professor Hanji trailed off mid-sentence and instead switched her focus to the main lecture. I wrote quickly, and messily, since Professor Hanji talked so fast, and took down as many pieces of information as possible so that I'd have enough material for my paper. Eren didn't show up.

When the lesson ended, I was called to the front of the class. I waited anxiously at Professor Hanji's desk and watched as the other students filed out of the room.

"(Y/N)," Professor Hanji started, sitting down in their rolling chair and putting their legs up on the table. "Do you think, by chance, you'll be seeing Eren today?"

"Huh?" I questioned, surprised.

"Well, you two were talking— and, might I add, disobeying field trip protocol— at the museum together, so I assumed..."

"Ah, well, no, Professor," I responded, my face feeling a bit warm. "I probably will not be seeing him. This is my only class with Eren, actually."

"Hm," they mused. "Well, if you do see him, would you do me a favor and lend him your notes from today? He's been a bit... behind, lately. I want him to catch up. Maybe then, he'll actually pass," Professor Hanji added under their breath.

"Sure, Professor," I agreed. "If I see him, I'll give him my work to reference."

"Great!" They flung their arms in the air happily. "Thank you, (Y/N). I'll see you tomorrow."

I met up with my friends after class for lunch. The three of them all looked insanely worn-out.

"What happened?" I asked, pulling out my food.

"We just came back from Levi's class..." Sasha started.

"And got the results back from that test he made all of us take—" Connie continued.

"You mean the one I had Friday?" I questioned.

"Yeah..." Jean sighed deeply, putting his head in his hands. "We all failed."

"Fuck, are you serious? That means I probably failed too, then!!" I panicked.

"Probably," Connie agreed honestly. "He's such a hard-ass. You know, I think he gets off on our failure. I bet..."

I let the conversation fade into the background. I tended to zone-out a lot when our group talked. Not because I was uninterested, but because I had other things that were constantly fighting for my attention. In this case, it was the short interaction I had with Eren. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was just replaying in my mind over and over as I tried to figure him out. He was impossible for me to read. It seemed like everything I did was wrong or irritated him in some way.

From across the cafeteria, I saw Eren take a seat at an empty table in the corner. Why did he skip class if he's on campus?

I paused for a moment, wondering if I should go over to give him my notes. He didn't look busy. I watched from a distance, waiting for him to do something.

Nothing happened. Eren just sat, chewing gum and resting his hands flat on the table.

I guess that means I can intervene.

"Guys—" I began, addressing Jean, Connie, and Sasha, "I have to give my notes to Eren. Be right back."

The three of them nodded confusedly and watched me get up and walk over to Eren. I slapped my notebook on the table in front of him. His green eyes flashed from the notebook up to me. I noticed the should-be-whites of his eyes had an unusually pink tint.

Really? He's high on a Monday afternoon?

"Professor Hanji wanted me to let you borrow this," I said shortly, waiting for him to decline.

"What for?" Eren asked. His ring made clinking sounds on the table as he tapped his hands against the plastic. I could smell the mint on his breath and the faint stench of weed on his jacket.

"There's a paper due tomorrow. A reflection. Ten pages. These notes should help," I answered quickly. Why is he even asking? I know he's going to turn me down anyway—

"Okay," he replied, pulling the notebook out from underneath my fingers. "Thanks."

My eyes widened and I paused, surprised by his willingness to do the homework.

"You're... welcome," I said awkwardly, turning away from him.

"You sure you're not gonna need this?" Eren asked, waving my notebook around.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks, though." I stepped away from the table and walked back to my friends, making sure not to turn my head back and look at Eren again. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time he was in the cafeteria, and I was ninety percent sure he gave me an inkling of a smile when he left.

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