Chapter 6- No Memory:

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I woke up drenched in sweat, lying in my dorm room. It looked like early morning outside. The sun was just about to crest the horizon. Sasha sat on the end of my bed— I could barely make out her face in the faint light.

"You greened-out," she said matter-of-factly.

"What? When?" I asked. "What time is it?"

"Last night. It's five AM, right now."

"How did I get back here?"

"We took you back," Sasha answered, referencing herself, Jean, and Connie. "Jean found you passed out— alone— on the bed in Floch's side room. How'd you even end up in there? I thought you'd said you had to go to the bathroom."

Alone? I don't remember being alone—

"You look confused," Sasha commented. "Do you remember anything that happened last night?"

I rubbed my eyes, "Not really. I remember talking with you guys and feeling great... and then, all of a sudden, feeling really sick."

"Hm... You should probably call Jean," she said. "He feels terrible for leaving you alone. We had no idea your tolerance was that low."

"Yeah, sure. I'll call him—"

There was a knock at the door. Sasha turned to answer it.

Jean stepped hesitantly into the room with Connie behind him, who was holding a small backpack. The light from the hallway illuminated the dark room.

"Hey," Jean said, moving to the corner of my bed. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay now. I don't really remember much from last night," I replied.

"Yeah," Connie started, pulling a bag of chips out of his backpack. "Me neither, honestly. Where'd you go off to, anyway, (Y/N)?"

"No idea. I know I made it to a toilet to throw up, though," I sighed in relief.

Jean grimaced, "Aw, shit. You threw up, too? God, (Y/N), I am so sorry."

"Please don't worry about it. I'm fine, I promise. You guys should go back to your rooms and sleep."

The three of them looked at me consolingly. When they tried to convince me that they should stay, I pushed them away.

"Alright," Sasha nodded, finally agreeing. "Call us if you need anything."

They walked out, shutting the door behind them. I closed my eyes and slowly fell back asleep, letting the night's events slip away from my memory.

I awoke the next morning, Saturday, and noticed the temperature outside had dropped. Thank God. I wasn't sure if I could tolerate another day of that heat. I pulled myself out of bed groggily and took a shower to clean off the sweat and grime that had accumulated from last night. I checked myself in the mirror— yesterday's events had definitely taken their toll: my eyes had heavy bags and my skin was unusually pale. Whatever, I thought, dressing myself. At least I'm clean.

I plopped myself back down on the bed, trying to recount what exactly had happened. I didn't like having pieces of my life missing from memory. I replayed what I could recall about a hundred times, but couldn't remember any new details. I was sure that another person had been with me, but I couldn't figure out who. I knew it couldn't have been Jean, Sasha, or Connie, but that left about twenty other people who were at the party at that time. I had only seen Floch and... I think her name was Yelena— walk out of the room which, by process of elimination, would mean that only Eren was left, but there was an extremely high chance that in my traumatic frenzy I had missed him leave. Plus, Eren didn't seem like the type of person who was considerate enough of other people to stick around if they were having a weed crisis.

While that sounded stupid in my head, I had a vague memory of being physically close to the person I was with in the bathroom. They had been holding my hand. I knew Eren wouldn't be the type of person to do something like that either, so I ruled him out entirely.

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't all that embarrassed about spewing my guts out in front of a stranger. In fact, they had seemed to be quite understanding of my situation from the very beginning.

I wish I could remember who they were... I smiled mischievously to myself. Maybe I could've gotten their number.

Well, no, probably not. Not after our first interaction being me throwing up in front of them.

I spent the rest of the day meandering around campus, enjoying the sunny yet cool weather, thinking about the random encounter I had last night. Maybe I could go to another of Floch's parties... 

I hope you all enjoyed reading these chapters!! Please lmk what you think! Your feedback means sm to me as an author❤️❤️

Tune in next week at Friday, 5 pm pacific time for the next 3 updates!! Thanks so much for reading!

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