Chapter 18- Karaoke Night:

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After Eren was absorbed into the crowd of girls and we could no longer see him, Sasha, Connie, Jean, and I focused our attention back on drinking. Although I hadn't originally planned to get drunk tonight, something had changed my mind. My three friends hopped right on the bandwagon and soon enough all of us were dizzy and spewing profanities at each other left and right.

"(Y/NNNNN)!!" Connie screamed into my ear. "LET'S SING!!"

"OKAYYYYY!!!" I yelled back, all sense of self-awareness and shame emptied from my body and replaced by liquor.

The two of us hopped onstage and picked a random duet. Too drunk to feel nervous, I sang horribly and confidently. As I choked out different off-key notes, I saw Eren's green eyes staring at me admiringly from the bar. He had a slight smirk on his lips. I think he was... laughing.

I turned away from him and wiggled my eyebrows up and down mischievously to myself: Nice one, (Y/N).

I faced the crowd again and continued singing with renewed vigor, Connie by my side. Eren sat aloofly, per usual, observing. He pushed his hair behind his ear, fiddling with his silver chain earring. I tried to enjoy the attention, but soon enough, the light-haired brunette girl that was chatting with Eren earlier pulled his attention away from me with ease.

Damn that very sexy woman.

I finished off the song with Connie, voice cracking from all of the yelling, and watched sadly as the girl lured Eren outside of the bar. He held her hand tightly, laughing lowly with her. It was like they had a secret together.

Well, after what will go on between them tonight, I'm sure they will... I frowned, Looks like I won't be seeing any more of him.

Connie and I plopped ourselves back down in the booth Sasha and Jean had snagged for the four of us, completely out of breath.

"Nice job, you guys," Jean attempted to slap me on the back, but missed tragically and hit me across the face. "Ope—! Sorry, (Y/N)," he grimaced.

"It's fine," I replied flatly, rubbing my cheek. I rolled my eyes back and then slammed my face on the table. "Fuuuckkkkk..." I trailed off quietly.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Sasha asked, stuffing her face with another round of complimentary peanuts.

"I don't know," I scrunched my face. "That's my problem. Something's pissing me off, though."

"Should we go home?" Jean asked concernedly.

"After this drink..." I replied, ordering myself something strong.

My body thumped up and down heavily. I opened my eyes slowly. Where am I? My cheek was pressed up against something hot. Too tired to lift my head, I scanned the area with my half-opened eyes: I was back on campus, the trees passing by me slowly.

Wait... How am I moving right now? I looked down. Jean was carrying me on his back, though he could hardly walk himself, and my head was on his shoulder.

"Your shoulders are bony as fuck, Jean," I said groggily.

"Oh, you're awake, finally," he responded just as tiredly. "I wish you didn't drink so much... I had to carry you all the way back."

"Where are Sasha and Connie?"

"You inspired Connie to get black-out drunk, too, so Sasha had to carry him back to the dorms. She took a break to buy snacks, though, so that's why they're not here. We'll meet up with everyone at my dorm to confirm that we're all okay by the end of tonight."

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