Chapter 21- Helpless:

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- drug use

    Soon enough, Friday rolled around again, and it was time for another party. The guilt about what I had said to Eren on Monday hung over me the entire week, but I was never given an opportunity to discuss it. Plus, I was scared to. It seemed like every time the two of us talked, things ended worse than they had begun.

    "So, things are still going terribly with Eren, huh?" Sasha asked, walking back with me to the dorms.

    I sighed, "Yep. I'm not sure what to do about it. By things 'working out already', I wasn't implying that things worked the same way for him. Now, he's under the impression that he'll be depressed forever, especially since his treatment didn't work."

    "It's not your fault, (Y/N)," Sasha consoled. "You can't control how he's going to react to what you say. It was his choice to draw a conclusion that far out of left field. He's just projecting his own insecurities onto you— Hold on, Connie's calling. Hello?"

    Sasha turned on speaker and Connie's grainy voice projected outward: "So, change of plans, I guess. Floch isn't having a party tonight because not enough people are gonna show up."

    "Huh? Why not?" Sasha asked.

    "Historia's sorority is doing something for the people in our graduating class, I guess, so everyone wants to go to that."

    "A sorority throwing an event for everyone? That's odd," I commented.

    "That's what I said," Jean's voice spoke quietly in the background on the phone. "Worse than that, it's supposed to just be some craft event, or something like that."

    "Huh?! Like hazing, maybe?" Sasha frowned.

    "I wish," Connie said. "But, I don't think boys would be allowed to come, if that were the case."

    "Should we still go?" I asked.

    Sasha shrugged. "Why not? I'm wicked tired from this week— especially from Levi's class. Let's just get high beforehand so it'll be fun no matter what."

    I heard Connie mumble in agreement.

    "You okay with that, (Y/N)?" Jean asked through the receiver.

    "Yeah," I replied. "My tolerance has increased recently, so I think I'll be fine this time around."

    "We'll monitor you," Sasha said with a smile. "Alright, guys. Talk to you later. Bye." She hung up the phone.

    "This should be interesting," I mused. "I wonder what the plan is."

    "Who knows. Let's go back to my place to get the stuff and we'll meet up with Connie and Jean at their dorm. I'd rather smoke there first—" Sasha scrunched up her face, "— I don't trust those sorority girls with my weed."

    "Sounds good," I agreed.

    Night had come quickly, and the four of us arrived to Historia's on-time, high as a kite. It felt amazing. We weaved through the blobs of people outside of the tall sorority building until we made it inside. Then, random girls ushered us into small groups and quieted us down. I could barely understand what was happening. The colorful fairy lights that decorated the high ceilings of the sorority building had completely captured my attention. A small blonde girl, Historia, stood at the head of the stairs. I recognized her from the karaoke bar. Shortly after the guests had been sorted, she began speaking:

    "Class of ...! Before we begin, I would like to explain what tonight's activity is... First... and then... sorted into groups of two... fifteen minutes..."

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