Chapter 25- Hitch:

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Hi y'all!!! Welcome back!!! As promised, here are 3 new chapters!! I know I say this all the time, but it really means so so much to me that y'all are reading my work-- your support is rlly what inspires me to keep writing so thank you all to the moon and back ❤️❤️

Hope everyone is well!! I love y'all so much. Enjoy and please lmk what you think!!❤️❤️


    I opened my eyes and it was still dark out. For once, I didn't wake up screaming. I rubbed my cheek and found that it was dry. But why? I tried to move, but felt something heavy holding me to the bed. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see the vague outline of two arms wrapped around me, pressing against my skin. Eren's arms. He wasn't wearing his jacket. I flushed from the skin-on-skin contact. I felt his chest push against my back when he inhaled, pressing me tighter against his muscular arms— Eren practically consumed me. How did we even get in this position? Last I remember we were far enough apart.

    I didn't bother with the details. I wanted to lie here forever, wrapped in Eren's warm embrace, feeling his light breaths brush by the crook of my neck, but I knew I should probably leave. I wriggled around under his grip to find my phone and pull it out of my pocket.

    Eren groaned from the sudden movement, hugging me tighter in his sleep. I was beginning to suffocate in his firm grip. I checked the time: five AM. The sun would be coming up soon, then. I didn't want to be here when that happened, lest Eren's roommate see my face, assuming he was even here. Eren's hand grabbed the arm that was holding my phone out and pulled it back into the bed, mumbling something as he nuzzled his face closer into my neck. I felt the cold steel band of his ring press against my skin.

    Damn you, Eren, for being so attractive without even realizing it.

    It pained me to do so, but I did my best to wriggle out of his grip and escape the bed. It worked. I watched for a moment as Eren breathed, seeing the scars on his wrists lengthen and shorten when he flexed his fingers or moved his hands in his sleep. I sighed sadly, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me. It was so hard to ignore his suffering. But, I had to hold out hope. As Yelena had said, it was partially a waiting game. Eren had to be willing to accept help from me for this to work, and as far as I was concerned, I was one step closer to getting there. At least he was comfortable enough to expose his wrists to me after tonight.

    Taking one last look at the boy— Eren's eyeliner was slightly smudged and his hair was strewn over the bed in all different directions— I turned away and walked out the door, heading back to my room.

    As I stepped through the halls, I wondered to myself: Is this considered the walk of shame? I mean, nothing happened, so... I guess not? Although, I was kind of expecting for something

    "Ah, (Y/N)!" A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Didn't expect to see you at this hour!"

    I flicked my head up— it was Hitch. "Oh, hi, Hitch. How are you?"

    "Decent," she said, stopping to talk to me. She examined my face with a confused expression. "So... where are you coming from?"

    I hesitated, but decided to be frank: "Eren's. I had to help him study," I held up my backpack stuffed with books as evidence.

    Hitch nodded. "You don't have to show me. I believe you." She was wearing a dangerously tight black dress that ended just above the top of her thigh— it looked like it was hastily thrown on last minute. Her heels were in her hand, her makeup was a mess, and her hair was frizzed out.

    "So, where were you at?" I asked conversationally.

    "This kid Marlo's place. But, before you draw any conclusions— this mess," she motioned towards herself, "was not because of him. I hooked up with a guy earlier at Floch's party— he ended up being kind of a jerk— and, miraculously, Marlo swooped in to save me like some hero." She rolled her eyes annoyedly. "He invited me over politely for snacks and even offered to study together, as if I'd spend my Friday doing that— no offense, (Y/N)— but, I accepted anyway. He's nice enough, I suppose."

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