Chapter 31- Just This Once:

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(A/N)~ Welcome back everybody!! How have your weeks been? Per usual, I've got 3 new chapters for y'all. Your comments yesterday were so helpful, and I'm doing my best to make some changes to the plot to better suit your needs. Unfortunately, I can't fulfill every request at the moment (for my secret author reasons), but I hope this will still be good for the time being. Hope you enjoy!! I love you all so much, and thank you so SO much for reading. ❤️❤️❤️


⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- self-harm

Eventually, after hiding out in the lobby for awhile, I saw Eren return. He was still with Armin, who I could finally see. A somewhat skinny boy with short blond hair and bright blue eyes— he didn't seem like the person Eren would be friends with.

From a distance, Eren looked happy. He was smiling and chatting amiably with Armin, still having lots to say even though they had been gone for awhile, and should have exhausted all topics of conversation already.

As Eren got closer, however, I noticed that his eyes were dark. Dead. It could have been from lack of sleep, because Lord knows my eyes were probably baggy as Hell, but with Eren, one could never be too careful.

My eyes followed them as they walked up the stairs and Armin dropped Eren off at his room. I waited a few minutes for Armin to leave the hotel, then immediately sprung up from my seat to meet Eren. When I reached the door, I stopped. Was this really a good idea? It's such an invasion of privacy...

Then, I realized: Who the fuck cares? I'm just checking to see if he's okay. If he hates me for it later, so be it.

I swiped the keycard over the door and entered the room silently. The bathroom light was on and I heard something clinking. Shaving, maybe? It was a weird hour to do it, though. I walked quietly to the bathroom. Eren had only been alone here for ten minutes maximum, so I was sure there wasn't anything that he could have—

I peeked into the doorway, not able to react fast enough. Eren had taken his jacket off and rolled up his gray hoodie sleeves.

His arms were bright red and he was carving new slits into his skin.

His face was completely emotionless, and he acted as if this were just routine. But the few tears that were pooling in his eyes gave him away.

He felt me watching him, and his green eyes flicked up to meet mine.

I screamed, throwing myself on top of his limp body, forcing him to drop the silver razor he was holding. The beautiful fabric of his sweatshirt was beginning to grow red.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!" I yelled, pounding my fists onto his chest. I sat on top of him, pinning him to the ground, my knees keeping his arms glued to the floor. "YOU ASSHOLE, YOU ASSHOLE, YOU ASSHOLE, YOU ASSHOLE!! HOW COULD YOU?!" I couldn't stop screaming. Eren stared at me from the ground with a blank expression, arms spread out, wrists facing upwards and bleeding down onto the tile.

What was I doing? This wasn't accomplishing anything. Even so, I couldn't stop myself. Tears flooded my eyes and ran down my face.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOU ALONE— I HAD A BAD FEELING ALL NIGHT— CAN'T YOU KEEP IT TOGETHER FOR ONE FUCKING NIGHT, EREN?! GOD DAMN IT— I HATE YOU!!!!" I dug my fingers into his shoulder, then fell onto him, limbs weakening. I lay on top of him, holding him tightly in my arms and pressing my head into his chest. I heard his steady breathing in conflict with my own cracked choking.

"I hate you..." I trailed off quietly, refusing to let go.

"(Y/N)," Eren muttered, "You got blood on your dress."

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