Chapter 14- Missing:

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I rushed into ceramics class fifteen minutes early and sprinted to my stool. When I sat down, I placed Eren's silver ring on the table, my fingers dancing around it anxiously as I awaited his arrival. I watched the other students stream in— no Eren. Professor Hanji began their lecture— still no Eren.

I held out hope, knowing that Eren was almost always late for class, but when the two hours had passed and we were dismissed, I knew that he wasn't coming. I sighed disappointedly, taking the ring back and slipping it in my pocket.

The next day, Tuesday, I arrived early again, setting the ring out in front of me like the day before. I pushed it aside when Professor Hanji ordered us to begin sculpting, but still kept it on display so that when Eren walked in, even though he was late, he'd see it right away.

My eyes darted towards the door every five seconds, my foot tapping anxiously. Where is he? I thought he was coming back today. I frowned to myself, sighing deeply. Professor Hanji ended class without Eren making a single appearance.

On Wednesday, it was the same. Eren wasn't in class. My excitement had turned into frustration. I shoved the ring back into my pocket, giving up, finally. Or, so I'd like to think.

On Thursday, I spent my free time in the cafeteria doing homework, but also looking for Eren. I'd talk to my friends, but zone out during conversations trying to find him. Still, I saw no sign that he had come home.

By Friday, I had given up all hope entirely. I had thrown his stupid ring around my dorm room pathetically for hours, ranting to myself about how much I loathed him. It was amazing that I hadn't lost the damn thing. I was angry with Eren. Angry that he was making me feel this way. Angry that he had acted so recklessly and selfishly in the first place. Angry that he had lied about coming home. I tried to cut him some slack, after all, he did try to... well, you know. Perhaps they forced them to stay a few more days. But two weeks? That seemed absurd, even for someone in his condition.

The day passed by excruciatingly slowly, and when it was time for bed, I went willingly. Of course, the moment I closed my eyes, I was hit by a nightmare recounting what Eren had done on the beach, just like every evening.

Fuck him, I thought angrily. That selfish bastard. Asking me to hold onto his stupid ring for him when Mikasa could have done it just as easily!! What was the point of it? To remind me of what I saw in him? To remind me of the blood pouring out from his wrist and the scabs all over? That wasn't something I wanted to remember— and he should have known that. I was guilty too, though, for accepting his offer.

I knew that I didn't entirely mean what I was thinking, but I was too irritated to care. I laid awake in bed, tossing and turning. The ring was lying on my nightstand, and I snatched it angrily and held it in my fist. What do I do with this thing if he doesn't come back? I'm tired of carrying it around!

Two full weeks had passed without a word from Eren. I hadn't seen him anywhere on campus or anywhere nearby. I still carried his ring around with me; I think at this point it was the only thing I had that reassured me that he was alive and coming back. Call it a symbol of hope, if you will. Of course, my hope was slowly beginning to fade. The ring started to feel like more of an obligatory accessory than anything. A hassle that I was forced to carry around with me constantly. As more time passed, the less I wanted it. But, I still couldn't give it up.

I never took it out anymore, though. It always stayed in my pocket.

I slumped down on my stool in ceramics, taking out my project and sculpting away per usual. I didn't bother shifting my head if the door opened, or looking up if someone came near. When someone took a seat across from me, I assumed it was Reiner, and I was always right.

Then, suddenly, one random Wednesday morning, Eren showed up.

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