Chapter 37- Sickly Feeling:

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(A/N)~ Hello all! Welcome back!! I pray that this uploaded on time bc I'm away from home rn and have like no internet connection 😭😭

Anyway, this update has got to be the most juicy one I've posted all at once, and I'm super excited for everyone to read. I hope y'all enjoy, and as always, I love y'all so much-- thank you all  for taking the time out of your day to read this ❤️❤️


I opened my eyes the next morning and found myself doused in sweat, barely able to breathe out of my nose and having coughing fits nonstop. It seemed that somehow, I had gotten sick. I had learned in my World Health class that lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, so maybe that was why. No matter the reasoning, it was terrible. Even getting out of bed had me gasping for air.

It looked like I'd be missing class today, and that I'd have to save my conversation with Hitch and Yelena for another time. I scowled, rolling back under the sheets. Whatever. I didn't have the energy to care— the bubbling feeling in my stomach took up too much space.

The sheets felt too hot. I threw them off.

Now I was freezing. I pulled them back on.

Too hot— too cold— too hot—

"AGH!" I screamed, sitting up quickly and wiping my nose. I hated being sick. There was nothing to do but lie in bed and feel uncomfortable.

By late afternoon, I still hadn't eaten or drank anything, and had only left my bed to go to the bathroom. On my second walk back to my dorm after a quick pee, I started feeling the effects from lack of food. My vision was slightly blurry and my head felt faint. I wobbled back to my room as quickly as possible, thankfully making it there before I could pass out. When I opened the door, I collapsed back onto the bed immediately, still dressed in my PJs.

I pressed a hand against my forehead. Burning hot.

"Fuck me," I moaned, "When will this end?"

I grabbed my phone from my desk to text Jean and ask for the homework— it was dead.

"FUCK!" I threw my phone across the room. Everything was irritating me today. It looked like my only option was to lie down and try to sleep it off, so that's what I did.

A knock at the door startled me awake.

"It's open," I groaned, keeping my head rested on the pillow, facing away from the entrance to my dorm, eyes fixated on the wall.

"Howdy," I heard a low voice and a set of footsteps enter the room. Though I couldn't see the door, I knew instantly that it was Eren. Not only was it the tone of voice, but only Eren had such a distinct and cringe-worthy way of saying 'hello'. After a few moments of silence, he spoke again:

"Are you sick?" he asked.

I mumbled something incoherently in reply.

"I can tell— you're sniffling. Have you eaten?" There was an edge of concern in his voice.

I shook my head slightly, still feeling weak. I heard more movement behind me— it sounded like Eren was opening my fridge. I wasn't sure why, but I still hadn't turned to face him. Eren didn't make a comment about it.

"No food, huh? Do you want me to go get you something?" he asked softly.

I mumbled nonsense back.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. You need to eat."

"Why are you here?" I grumbled, voice just over a whisper.

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