Chapter 39- Takeout:

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    I leaned back and forth uncomfortably in my shoes, hand shaking, frozen midair in front of Eren's dorm room. It was the evening of the next day, and I had decided to pay him a visit before Eren chucked me out of his life entirely.

    I had no idea what I was going to say. The mere thought of confronting him made me want to throw up. But, I had to do this.

    Finally, I flicked my wrist to knock on the door. Just as I did so, the door swung open and I was eye-to-eye with... Thomas?

    Eren's roommate, I remembered quickly.

    "Hi," I said awkwardly, staring at the blond boy, "Do you, by chance, know where Eren is?"

    "I— yeah, actually— he said he went to the art building."

    "Great, thank you." I waved goodbye, walking briskly across campus until I reached the ceramics room. I assumed Eren was here, since he wasn't taking another art class that I knew of.

    I pushed the door open, peeking into the classroom. It was dark besides a singular light gleaming over Eren's desk, shining onto a spinning pottery wheel. Professor Hanji was nowhere to be found.

    Eren sat on his stool alone in the building, expression focused as he shaped his clay with his thumbs, steel ring glinting on the table beside him. His dark hair hung in his face, falling into his green eyes as he chewed his lip, frowning as he worked. He had it in a loose bun tonight. I liked how he switched it up everyday.

    Through Eren's clay-stained, thin white T-shirt, I could see the muscles of his back flex and relax as he shifted his athletic, toned arms in sync with the clay.

    Damn, was the only word that crossed my mind in that moment.

    I stepped quietly into the room and took a seat across from him. Eren licked his lower lip and looked up at me. When he recognized my face, he took his foot off the pedal and let the pottery wheel slow down.

    "Hi," I said, pursing my lips. My anxiety returned, and I immediately snatched Eren's ring off the table so I'd have something to fiddle with while we talked.

    "Howdy," he greeted quietly. "How can I help you?"

    I took a deep breath, "I wanted to talk... about what you said to me a couple nights ago."

    Eren's face immediately dropped. He turned away from me, trying to cover his expression as he wiped the clay off of his hands with a towel.

    "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled.

    "You're a bad liar, Eren."

    "I thought we weren't going to address it," he said back.

    "Well, this is me addressing it."

    Eren tilted his head back and ran his fingers through his hair, exposing his Adam's apple.

    "Okay," he sighed, bringing his green eyes back down to meet mine, "Go ahead."

    I spun Eren's ring on the table before I began my sentence, "Okay, cool. So... so..." I leaned back and forth, trying to figure out what to say. I bowed my head in defeat, "I'm sorry— I'm really terrible at this kind of stuff, so you'll have to give me a minute."

    Eren crossed his arms and waited patiently.

    "We've been through a lot together," I started, unsure of where I was going with this, "And... besides all of the horrible stuff... I've had a great time with you." I stared back up at him, "I like being around you, Eren. A lot. And I—"

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