Chapter 38- Phase:

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- drug use

Was that just a fever-dream? I wondered to myself. After all, I had been feeling terribly sick. There was no way Eren just said that to me— especially in such random context! It was in the middle of a grocery list for Christ's sake! What kind of person does that?!

"An insecure one," Hitch replied, her voice sounding distorted through the speakers. After my phone had charged up, I immediately called her and spilled everything.

"A person who's bad at dealing with emotions," she continued, "A person who has attachment issues. A person who hates being vulnerable. A person who—"

"Alright, I get it— no need to keep dissing him," I stopped her.

"I'm just speaking facts," Hitch countered. "So, what're you gonna do? Pretend like you didn't hear it, or what?"

"I— I have no idea," I hesitated, "I've never been good with this kind of stuff. Plus, this came completely out of nowhere! I thought Eren was just using me!"

"(Y/N), it was so obvious," Yelena's apathetic voice suddenly sounded through the speakers.

"I added Yelena to the call," Hitch noted.

"Thanks for the heads up," I scowled.

"Well, do you love him?" Hitch asked bluntly.

I pursed my lips, unsure of how to answer. It was such a loaded question.

"How the hell should I know?!" I yelled defensively. "'Love' is such a strong word! I mean, come on— I'd be an idiot if I fell in love with someone I thought was only using me for sex."

"You are an idiot," Yelena mumbled.

"Yeah," Hitch agreed.

I covered my face with my hand, "I don't know, you guys... This is all so sudden..."

"Just give yourself a few days to think about it, then," Yelena said. "He can wait."

"But— what if he's just saying shit like that so he can fuck me more often?" I asked insecurely.

"Are you stupid or something?!" Hitch balked. "Like Eren cares enough to lie about that. You said it yourself: you'd have sex with him regardless— so why would he feel the need to make shit up?"

"Not to mention the fact that he confessed when he assumed you weren't listening," Yelena added.

I nodded to myself: It was true— I couldn't deny their logic. I had to stop pretending that Eren didn't care about me. It was just... the idea that Eren liked me seemed so absurd that I had a hard time believing it.

On the same call, I explained everything to Yelena about what Eren had said about inviting her as a "date" to Annie's party. Yelena countered and told me that they had never had that conversation— it seemed that Eren had lied: he hadn't asked Yelena anything. But, if he had the courage to confess his love for me, why couldn't he work up the nerve to ask me to come with him to a stupid party? We could've just gone as friends for Christ's sake!

I sighed. He's so confusing.

"Alright, I have to go, guys... Professor Levi's administering a huge test tomorrow... again," I said, "I'll talk to you later."

"'Kay 'kay— let us know how it goes!!" Hitch chirped.

"The test?" I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you—"

"Of course not the test, silly," Hitch interrupted. "About Eren."

"I'll listen to you talk about your test, if you need, (Y/N)," Yelena said.

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