Chapter 22- Digits:

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Hey y'all!! I hope this updates on time I'm at a theme park rn but I hope everyone has an amazing day!! Again, sorry if this updates late. Enjoy the chapters!! Love you all so much and lmk what u think ❤️❤️❤️

I flipped through my Ceramics notebook, reading the little blurbs Eren had written all over the pages. Yelena was right— I wasn't going to be able to save Eren unless he'd be willing to accept my help. So, perhaps I'd have to follow in her footsteps, (as much as I hated the idea), and just drop the issue for awhile. If I saw Eren, I wouldn't bring it up anymore. Ignoring the problem made me feel unbelievably guilty, but I saw some reason in it.

    I had barely known Eren— like I had said, we were acquaintances at best. Acquaintances drawn together by one horrible moment solely by chance. And, as acquaintances, there was no way Eren would tell me anything. If he couldn't open up to Yelena, one of his closer friends, I could see no reason why he'd tell me anything either. And, in order to offer my help, I needed to know what was wrong.

    So, I knew what I needed to do:

Ignore the scarsBecome friends with ErenStop asking questionsWait for him to come to meFind out what was wrongHelp him

    It was a simple, direct list, but I hated it. It was too vague and didn't account for all the ups-and-downs that came with having any sort of relationship with Eren. Oh well.

    I grimaced at my decision to stick with my plan. Just pretend everything's fine for a bit longer, (Y/N), I consoled myself. It'll be over soon.

    On Tuesday afternoon, I stuffed my backpack with notebooks and headed out to the library to study. The textbooks I needed were only available there, and I could only access them if I was actually in the library. No renting them out.

    When I arrived at the massive building, I pushed open its glass doors and walked up to the front desk to retrieve my book. While I waited, I noticed how packed the library was. It seemed that no tables were available to study at. I frowned, wondering what caused all these students to swarm in at once. When the librarian came back with my book, I asked.

    "The second floor is under renovation, so the only open study seats are down here," she answered.

    Interesting. I hoped I could find a seat.

    I picked up my textbook and meandered around the study tables, looking for a single open seat. All were either taken or surrounded by obnoxiously loud study groups. I sighed deeply, about to give up, when I noticed a quiet table in the very back corner of the room. I almost missed it; it was hidden behind a wall of bookshelves.

    When I walked up to it, I noticed one boy sitting alone at the four-chaired table. His dark hair was hanging loose in its usual bun, now-classic silver earring dangling against the side of his cheek. His face was covered by a baseball cap. A hat? Inside? Really?

    Eren was dressed up neatly yet again, with a thick flannel jacket over a classic plain T-shirt. I couldn't see his pants, nor did I want to look. That would be creepy as hell. He had his earbuds in and notebook out, and didn't seem to hear me approach. I stood by the table awkwardly, tapping my foot. Eren didn't acknowledge my presence, if he noticed.

    Do I ask him if I can sit or...? No. That would make things weird. I was just a regular student looking for a place to study, and this happened to be the only spot available— which was true, I might add.

    I pulled the seat furthest from Eren out and sat down in it, pulling out my notes and beginning to read. He kept his head down, baseball cap shading his eyes as he chewed his gum. I could smell it from here: mint.

    Shut up and focus, (Y/N), I lectured myself. You need to study for this exam.

    "Do you need something from me?" Eren asked suddenly, green eyes revealing themselves.

    I froze. That was surprisingly direct.

    "... Uh, no, actually. I just needed a place to study. Everywhere else was full," I answered anxiously.

    Eren pulled out one of his headphones: "Huh?"

    Why would you ask if you're not gonna listen to my answer?!! I sighed— I had to stay calm. My goal was to be friends with Eren, not enemies.

    "This was the only open seat. I'm sorry. I can go, if you'd like," I replied evenly.

    Eren paused for a moment, thinking. "It's fine," he said gruffly, voice barely above a whisper.

    I nodded, turning my head back down to my notes. I could feel him watching me as I studied, though I pretended not to notice.

    I sighed in aggravation; with Eren right next to me, it was hard for me to focus on anything else but him. How was I going to fix this? After all of the awkwardness we'd been through?

    Eren bit his lip, observing. Suddenly, he asked, "Is that book for Professor Levi's class?"

    I flicked my eyes up, surprised, "Yeah. I didn't know you were taking his class."

    "I'm not, really," Eren said. "I mean, despite me getting all of my work done now, I'm still failing. My, um... how should I say... 'break' from school really pushed me back, and he assigns so much work I'm having trouble catching up. I have like ten-plus missing assignments."

    I dropped my pen and folded my arms on the table, trying to show Eren that he had my attention. Why is he talking to me?

    "Anyway," he continued. "Since you're in that class... do you think you could... lend me your notes for the weeks that I was missing?"

    Oh. So that's why he's talking to me. God, this boy has no shame.

    "I, uh— sure, I guess," I replied awkwardly. "But, I actually need them this week to write my final paper, so I won't be able to let you keep them this time."

    "That's fine," he said cooly, tapping his fingers on the table. "You can just text them to me. Can I borrow your hand for a moment?"

    My heart leapt into my throat— What?

    "Sure," I said hesitantly resting my fist in front of me.

    Eren took it gently in his cool hand and pulled it towards himself. His free hand clicked a pen open and began writing something on my skin. His fingers wrapped around mine, holding my hand still, and the feeling seemed familiar. Where have I felt this before? I couldn't recall ever holding Eren before, but I could've sworn I had felt someone touch me with the same grace and dexterity, with the same cool fingers. The pen swirled around, puncturing the back of my skin.

    "Okay, done," he said, releasing his grip and letting me pull my arm back.

    When I looked down, I saw ten numbers scribbled onto my hand with 'Eren' put in parenthesis below.

    "It's my number," he said cheekily. I was surprised by his sudden change of pace. He seemed more enthusiastic. "I put my name below just in case you forgot you're— it was—mine."

    I nodded, staring down at the blots of ink on my skin. Why didn't he just put it in my phone? That would've been much easier.

    Eren stood up swiftly and packed his things into his backpack. "See ya," he said shortly.

    I heard his footsteps recede, my eyes still glued onto my hand, fingers tracing the tiny numbers he had written. Guess I'll text him when I get back to my dorm.

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