Chapter 9- Doodles:

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I threw my finished paper onto the growing pile on Professor Hanji's desk. I was amazed that I was able to write everything in one night.

Eren, who was continuing to surprise me lately, showed up to class on time with his completed homework. He added it to the stack and took a seat across from me. His hood was down and his hair was in a loose bun. I guess I must have been staring, because when he opened his backpack, he asked:

"What are you looking at?"


"Oh, your notes, of course," he shook his head. "Why else would you be paying any attention to me..." Eren pulled out the binder and handed it to me, continuing: "I highlighted a few of your sentences— I hope you don't mind. I also had to make a couple translations along the way," he rubbed his neck embarrassedly. "Some of your writing was hard to read."

I didn't respond. I took the notebook and flipped through it, still in awe. Where had this sudden work ethic sprung from?

"I liked your doodles," Eren continued awkwardly. "The 3D 'S's were really cool."

I met his eyes, "Oh, do you not know how to draw those? I can teach you, if you want. It's really easy," I offered amiably.

Eren began to nod his head, but quickly turned away. His expression darkened. "No, actually, it's fine. I don't care that much."

"Oh," I said, a bit hurt, turning my gaze to my lap. "Well, um... If you need anything else for class, just let me know. I'll gladly let you borrow it."

"Yeah, whatever," he replied absentmindedly, pulling his hoodie over his head. It seemed that Eren's focused had shifted to other things yet again. His iconic apathetic expression had reappeared, and his slouch deepened.

God, I really can't do anything right, can I?

The rest of the week, Eren was his usual, muted self. It was odd: those few days he had been conversational had come and gone so quickly, and I hadn't the faintest idea as to why. Although it had only lasted for a short amount of time, I had begun to miss it. It saddened me to see that the morose, dull Eren that had been in front of me for the entire first semester had reappeared. On Friday, Professor Hanji handed back our reflection papers:

"They're worth 20% of your second semester grade, so if you did horribly, you may be able to bring your grade up to a B if you study hard for the rest of the year. Other than that, your grade is final. I tried to be as generous as possible."

I grabbed my paper from them and reviewed it. I had received an A minus. For a paper done last-minute in one night, I counted that as a definite win. I peeked over my essay to gauge Eren's reaction to his grade. I couldn't tell. Per usual, his face was impossible to read: passive and bleak, I had no idea what he was thinking.

I walked across campus to my dorm, clutching my graded essay tightly in my hand. I heard the sound of running footsteps on concrete sprint towards me.

"(Y/N)!" Jean called, coming up behind me and grabbing me by the shoulder. "Floch is having another party tonight. You wanna go?"

I frowned, thinking for a moment. Did I really want to go again? It wasn't very eventful... I'm sure Jean, Sasha, Connie and I would've had more fun on our own.

I came up with a counter: Although, maybe I could find that kid I had met when I greened-out before—

"I— I know last time wasn't... ideal," Jean grimaced, interrupting my stream of thought. "But, this time we can regulate things better. Or— we don't do anything at all." He waited anxiously for my reply.

"I'll go," I said resolutely. "Worst case scenario it sucks and I leave early."

"That's my girl," Jean grinned, pulling me into him. "I'm meeting Sasha and Connie for chicken wings before we leave. You wanna come?"

"Sure," I agreed. Jean let go of me and we walked side-by-side to the dorms to meet up for dinner.

Sasha handed me a chicken wing, taking a huge bite out of her own. The tiny restaurant outside of campus was warm and comforting. We sat in a small booth, our shoulders smushed together uncomfortably.

"So, it's supposed to be at the beach tonight, right?" she asked in between bites.

"That's what I heard," Connie affirmed, conspicuously grabbing a wing off of Sasha's plate. She frowned.

"At night? Isn't that kind of dangerous...? And cold?" I asked.

"Well, we won't actually be going in the water," Jean consoled. "Or, at least, I'm not letting any of us go in. I'm not sure about the others."

"Besides," Connie added, "It's been warm out, lately. I mean, you remember that heat stroke we all had a week ago. Just bring a jacket and you'll be fine, (Y/N)."

"Yeah," Sasha nodded, devouring her seventh wing. "And, if you want to go back early, I'll drive you home."

"Okay," I replied, feeling anxious to go, but a bit more comfortable knowing my friends would be watching out for me.

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