Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

"Dad!" Kaitlin whined.

"What sweetheart?" He asked and then took a sip of his coffee and resumed to read the daily newspaper.

"I don't want to move schools!" She cried, I rolled my eyes and poured myself a drink of water.

"Tough" he chuckled and closed the newspaper.

He got up and grabbed his brown briefcase and he slipped his arms into his plain black jacket, he straightened his tie and cleared his throat.

"Have a good last day" he placed kisses on both of our foreheads and said goodbye before heading out of the door and getting into his black car.

"Why do we have to move?" My younger sister asked.

"It isn't like we are moving house or anything! Its just school!" I groaned and picked up my school bag and shoved my phone into my front pocket.

She rolled her eyes and stormed out of the front door, I sighed and locked the door and followed my sister to school.

Its my last day in this shithole!

I smiled to myself as I approached my locker and put my combination in and opened the blue metal door, I placed my bag inside and took out my chemistry book and my pencil case.

I closed my locker and headed to my chemistry class, I can't wait to see Georgina, Laura and most of all Brianna. Hint, Sarcasm..

I opened the door and I gained a few stares from them, I wasn't surprised though since its like an everyday routine for me.

I sat in the back corner of the chemistry class and I pulled my phone out of my pocket since class hasn't started yet.


Don't wait for me after school, I'm going to a party.


You're 13!


Yeah.. So?


Don't do anything stupid.


Relax Ariana, I'm not stupid like you.


Okay, whatever.

I locked my phone and put it back into my pocket and I tapped my fingers on my chemistry book and waited for the teacher to arrive.

"Nice clothes, where'd you get them?" Brianna smirked and she approached me.

I looked down at my black skinny jeans that had small holes in on my knees and my black band shirt with a red flannel and my black combat boots.

"Can you not afford clothes without holes in them?" She let out this irritating snobby laugh.

"Can you fuck off?" I replied and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Ariana, I saw your friends outside. Oh wait, I didn't because they don't exist " she smirked.

"Really? I never realised how much I.. Didn't care about what you have to say!" I shouted, she scoffed and walked away.

The sound of her pink heels echoed through the classroom.

I rolled my eyes and began to take notes as the teacher entered the classroom.

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