Chapter 7

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Ariana's POV

The bell rang signalling lunch had started and Natalie grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the cafeteria.

"Can I tell you a secret? You have to promise not to tell!" I nodded.

Somehow me and Natalie had sort of become best friends after the few hours of knowing each other, I'm glad I finally have a girl best friend because I think Ash might be getting tired of hearing about boy problems.

"I like Luke" she whispered into my ear.

I gasped and smiled at her.

"Oh my god! That's adorable!" I squealed, she giggled.

I heard her take a deep breath so I looked up to see Ash and Luke along with two other boys approaching us.

"Don't tell anyone" she whispered into my ear quickly, I nodded quickly.

The four boys sat on the opposite side of the table from us and we both greeted them.

"Your Ariana?" A brown haired boy asked, he looked a little bit surprised to be honest.

I nodded slowly and the other blonde boy gasped.

"Ash-" Ashton cut him off quickly.

"This is Michael and this is Calum" he gestured to both of the boys, I greeted them with a shy wave and Michael sat beside me since there was more room.

"I've never seen you without skinny jeans and band shirts" Ash laughed.

"Well now you have" I replied and looked down at my hands.

"I don't like it" I mumbled.

"You look hot though" Calum replied, I laughed and shook my head.

"You lie" he shook his head and pouted.

He shoved Luke and nodded his head at him.

"Calum doesn't lie" Luke added awkwardly.

I bit my lip and looked up and saw Ashton laughing, his melodious laugh is so contagious and so adorable.

Natalie nudged me and I snapped out of my short daydream, I turned to her and she wiggled her eyebrows at me causing me to laugh.

"What?" She whined

"Don't do that ever again!" I couldn't stop my laughter.

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