Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV

A week later.

I rang the doorbell at Calums house since Michael had texted me telling me to come over.

Michael opened the door and pulled me inside, I greeted Luke and Calum who were also here.

"How dare you?" Calum stepped closer to me.

"How fucking dare you?!" He shouted.

"What did I do?" I asked totally clueless.

"Luke, I have to tell you something" He nodded waiting for Calum to speak.

He sat down and glared at me.

"I saw Ariana holding hands with Ashton" he mumbled.

"So?" Luke laughed.

"So?! She was cheating on you!" He shouted.

"What?!" Michael asked.

Me and Luke burst into laughter and the two boys looked so confused.

"We weren't actually dating!" Luke informed him, Calum gasped and placed his hands on my forearms.

"I'm sorry" I nodded my head and giggled.

Ashton's POV

"Are you clear on the plan?" Natalie asked as we pulled up in front of Calums house.

I knew that they would all be here, Ariana is always with Luke and I knew that Luke was coming over to Calums today.

I nodded my head and took off my seatbelt.

"You have to kiss me when we are in there, okay?" I nodded again.

Natalie doesn't know about my crush on Ariana so she just thinks that we are trying to make Luke jealous but she doesn't know its also going to effect Ariana too.

We got out of my car and I pressed the lock button on my car keys, I took Natalie's small hand in mine and lead her up to the door.

She pressed the doorbell and we heard some laughter echoing from inside, I heard something rattling and it was probably the key in the lock.

Ariana opened the door and her smile dropped from her face almost instantly.

"Um- Ash and Natalie are here" She announced awkwardly and stepped away from the door to let us inside.

She followed us into the living room and sat down beside Michael, I pulled Natalie down onto my lap and cuddled her waist.

The room was completely silent until Calum spoke up.

"This is awkward" he mumbled.

Natalie nudged me and she began to lean in, I inhaled a sharp breath before closing the gap and kissing her lips.

"Ari, c-can I talk to you outside please?" Luke glared at me and I quickly glanced at Ariana who was just staring at the ground with no emotion on her face.

She got up and quickly rushed outside with Luke trailing behind her.

Natalie stood up and looked out of the window and she tried to figure out what they were saying.

"Your so fucking nosey!" Michael groaned.

"Shut up Michael" she spat, my eyes widened and I looked at Michael who flipped her off before leaving the room.

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