Chapter 12

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Arianas POV

Pe.. Yay! Hint sarcasm.. 

I got changed into my black pe shorts and a white polo shirt, I slipped my feet into my black converses and I tied my long hair up into a high ponytail.

I hate how the popular girls parade around the changing rooms in their underwear, come on! put some clothes on and stop being slutty.

I dont get why we have to wear a uniform for pe and not for anything else. 

I hung up my bags and went into the sports hall, I spotted the boys and began to make my way over to them.

Luke left the boys and ran towards me and pulled me into a different direction. 

"Luke what are yo-" he cut me off by shushing me. 

"Are you okay? you seemed really upset in literature today" I nodded my head although I was lying.

Suddenly all of the teachers rushed outside and I saw that they went into the boys changing rooms, maybe theres a fight or something.

Mitchell ran over to us, Mitch is one of Lukes friends.

"Nerdy Sam fainted" he chuckled. Nerdy Sam?

"Also, did you hear? If you did im sorry!" Luke looked at me with a questioning look which I returned. 

"Heard what..?" He asked slowly 

"Apparently Ashton Irwin fucked that Natalie that you like" He shrugged and then ran off back to his usual group of friends. 

I noticed Lukes fists were clenched and his face had an angry expression written all over it, I grabbed both of his arms and tried to hold him back. 

He somehow got out of my grip and he charged at Ashton, I was in shock and I couldnt move. MOVE ARIANA HES GOING TO KILL HIM!. I thought to myself. 

I watched Lukes fist come into contact with Ashtons chin making him stagger backwards, Ash returned the punch and Luke threw his head back due to the force of the punch.

I noticed Natalie running towards Ashton and I quickly regained my senses and ran towards Luke. 

"Fight Fight Fight!" Everyone in the sports hall was chanting, it echoed too. 

I jumped onto Lukes back before Natalie jumped onto Ashtons back, Luke began to spin around trying to chuck me off but I just clinged to him like wet clothing.

"Luke. Stop it!" I screamed and began to slap his arms and his back. 

Ashton hit Luke again and he almost fell back because of the small amount of extra weight he had gained because of me. 

"Ari! Get off!" He shouted and tried to shove me off.

I didnt budge but I held onto him tighter.

Luke threw a few punches some missing Ashton but on a particularly hard punch, it hit Ashton.

"Why the fuck are you hitting me?" Ashton screamed. 

"You knew how I felt!" Luke shouted.

"You fucking traitor!" he added and began to swing for him again. 

"LUKE, ASHTON, ARIANA AND NATALIE PRINCIPLES OFFICE. NOW!" The teacher shouted, I got down from Lukes back and followed him out. 

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