Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

It was honestly heartbreaking to see Ariana like this, she sat down on the porch with her head in her hands and she was crying.

I sat down beside her and comforted her.

"He told me that he likes her, of course he does! He wants everything that I'm not, she's perfect and I'm equivalent to a dead rat" her voice cracked at the end which made a tear roll from my eye.

"I feel numb" she added.

"I do too Ari, I don't even know why I like her she's a bitch. Does she know you like Ashton?" I asked.

She gasped and looked at me, her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were slightly widened.

"How do you know?!" She asked.

"Its obvious, well to me. Its the way you look at him and smile, then as soon as you see her with him your smile falters and your upset around them" I replied and noticed Natalie looking at us through the window.

"Kiss me" I covered my mouth so Natalie wouldn't see what I was saying.

Ariana looked confused and I motioned to the window, she didn't look but she nodded and leant forward.

Her soft pink lips met mine in an enchanting kiss, my heart beat quickened and we both smiled at each other when we pulled away.

We went back inside and saw Michael and Calum standing in the kitchen looking pissed off.

"What's wrong?" Ari asked.

"Miss bitchy- ass was being nosey" She laughed at the name Michael had called Natalie.

"I'm not deaf Clifford." She spat as she walked into the kitchen.

She wrapped her arm around me and she smiled.

"Shouldn't you do that to your boyfriend?" Calum asked and referred to Ashton who was leaning against the wall and he looked upset.

Ariana agreed and I felt Natalie stiffen beside me.

"Ariana your only agreeing because you wish he was your boyfriend but he isn't and probably never will be" Ari began to storm out but stopped when Natalie began to speak again.

"Ashton is looking for someone who's pretty, talented, skinny, funny and let's just say perfect. You fit into none of those categories, I'm sorry to say! He prefers me" Ariana opened her mouth but quickly closed it again when she looked at Ashton.

"I honestly thought you were different, now Ashton won't speak to me ever again so thanks for that. Thanks for entering my life and destroying it!" She shouted, I saw her tears glistening and falling from her glossy eyes.

She slammed the door and we watched her run.

"Leave her, she will be fine" Natalie smirked.

"Yeah, leave her" Ashton agreed.

"Honestly it might be the best thing to do, she wants to be alone" Calum added.

"Don't you think she's pathetic by running away?" She chuckled.

"You're pathetic!" Michael screamed.

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