Chapter 13

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Arianas POV

Here we were, sitting on the black couch thing opposite the principles desk, we were waiting for him to come back from a meeting and we were trusted 'not to kill eachother'

I sat in between Luke and Ashton with Natalie on the other side of Ash. 

"Why did you do that Luke?" Ashton hissed. 

"You fucked Natalie, you fucking knew how I felt about her!" Luke spat. 

"I what?!" Ashton sounded confused. 

"You heard." Luke mumbled. 

I nudged him when Ashton stood up and looked from Luke to Natalie and he looked very confused for some reason. 

"When did we apparently have sex?!" Ashton raised his arms and his voice slightly.

"We didnt.." She sighed, Luke leant forward and looked at her.

"I just told people because I wanted to get back at Ariana for kissing Luke" Natalie admitted.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to her. 

"Why would that get back at me?" I asked. 

"Because, I know how you feel!" Thats a lie, I never told her the way I feel towards Ashton.

"How do I feel then? I dont even know that!" I slammed my hands down onto the black couch either side of me. 

"You love Ashton, its so obvious! Everyone knows, its just Ash whos oblivious" She shrugged. 

I raised an eyebrow and quickly glanced at Ashton before looking at the floor, he looked like he didnt like the idea of me liking him so I decided to pretend that I didnt. 

"Everyone is wrong then" I folded my arms and leant back into the couch which was quite comfortable to be honest. 

"Telling yourself that you dont love him is a lie" she stood up and put her arm around Ashton, she kissed his lips and Luke tensed beside me. 

I managed to not react, I felt my heart drop and smash into a million pieces but she wouldnt care anyway, she was just doing it to see how I would react. 

I stared blankly at the principles desk and didnt say a word or make any movements. 

"STOP KISSING HER!" Luke shouted and stood up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, I ended up sitting on him so he wouldnt get up and kill Ashton. 

Luke noticed my sudden mood change and he looked at me sympathetically. 

I sighed and sat back onto the couch beside Luke and Natalie with Ashton on the other side for some reason. 


"What got into the four of you?! Starting a fight in the middle of a lesson!" Our principle scolded us.

I sighed and looked at the ground.

"Sorry" Luke mumbled.

"You all have detention tomorrow after school" we nodded and quickly left the principles office.

"Way to go Luke! You got us all fucking detention!" Ashton slammed Luke into the wall and smacked his chest.

I grabbed Ashton's arm and he looked confused, I yanked him away.

"Take him the other way" Natalie nodded and walked off with Luke beside her.

I dragged Ashton's wrist and he was complaining that I was walking to fast.

"Your hurting my wrist!" He whined.

I stopped in front of him and took his hand, I intertwined our fingers and dragged him again.

"Can we go slower?" I giggled at him and slowed my speed down.

I smiled to myself when I noticed him blushing and looking at our hands, what if he does like me back?

My heartbeat quickened at the thought and it was practically slamming against my chest as I thought of myself kissing Ashton or being his girlfriend.

"Do- do you like Natalie?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe. What does it have to do with you?" He answered.

I sighed and looked at the ground.

Ashton Irwin would never go for a girl like me.

"What's your favourite thing about her?" I asked and kept my gaze on the ground.

"Her smile, her laugh, her beauty. Everything about her" he replied enthusiastically.

I nodded and blinked back my tears, he wants everything that I'm not.

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