Chapter 2

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Ariana's POV

I sat on one of the vacant benches in the school yard and I plugged my earphones into my phone and I played Chocolate by The 1975.

I pulled my black notebook out of my school bag and I started toning on my latest drawing, it was just a basic flower I had found in the meadow.

It was really interesting and I thought it would be quite good to draw so obviously I sketched it and I keep adding to it and each time I come back to it, it looks more realistic.

I looked up and saw Brianna, Georgina and Emily approaching. Emily is new-ish, but she's still a bitch and I still hate her even though I don't know her, she just looks like one and she hangs around with bitches.

I closed my notebook and shoved it back into my school bag, I quickly zipped it up and held my bag close to my chest. My earphones were still blasting my music and it helped to keep me calm.

"Are you sitting with your imaginary friends?" Georgina asked.

"You're funny aren't you" I smirked.

"Shut up!" Emily spoke up, I laughed and looked at her.

"Nobody asked for your input" I spat, they all scoffed and narrowed their eyes at me.

"Nobody asked for yours either!" Emily shouted.

"Nobody cares what you have to say" I replied and walked past them, luckily they didn't follow and I got back to my maths class and sat down in the back corner.

I carried on adding tone to my drawing until the bell rang indicating lunch was over and everyone needed to get back to class, I switched my music off and I put my notebook away.

Everyone reentered the classroom and I carried on with the work our teacher had provided before lunch began.

"You're such a nerd!" Brianna laughed as she glanced at my maths book.

"At least I'm not dumb like you" I replied, she laughed and turned away to flirt with Jack, her boyfriend.


The final bell rang and I headed back to my locker and put all of my belongings into my bag.

I made sure I had everything and I closed my locker, I headed to the front office to collect some papers my dad was supposed to receive.

"Good Luck Miss Caldwell" Mrs Clinton, the office lady said.

I smiled in response and shoved the papers into my bag and I plugged my earphones back into my phone and Damned If I Do Ya by All Time Low played.

I nodded my head to the song and I entered the corner shop, I headed to the fridge isle and I picked up a bottle of Fanta.

I paid for it and walked back to my house. I smiled and waved when I saw my neighbour, Harry in his front garden. He returned the gesture and I unlocked the front door to my house.

I then closed the door and rushed upstairs and dropped my bag into my room and I ran back downstairs and entered the kitchen.

Incoming Call- Dad.

I answered the phone with a "hello".

"Where's your sister? I can't get in contact with her" he asked

"She told me that she was going to a party" I mumbled and I messed with the hem of my flannel.

"And you let her go?! She's 13 Ariana!" Oh wow, I'm being blamed again.

"She said she wont do anything stupid" I answered.

"What if she gets into trouble? How will we find out?!" He shouted, I pulled the phone away from my ear a few inches because he was shouting very loudly.

"I- I don't know" I looked at my feet and I bit my lip.

"We will talk about this later" he said sternly and hung up the phone.

I sighed and put my phone onto the kitchen counter, being the oldest sucks.

I walked into the living room and I switched the TV on, I didn't pay attention to what was happening on the screen because my mind was clouded with thoughts of what he would say to me.

'You're irresponsible, you let your 13 year old sister go to a high school party!' I flinched at the thought of his loud voice.

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