Chapter 16

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Ariana's POV

(Ariana and Kaitlin's outfits are attached)

Monday morning.

"Ari" Kaitlin's voice rang in my ears, I groaned and turned back over.

I earned a harsh slap on my leg which made me growl and turn back over, I glared at her and sat up on the edge of my bed.

"You can't mope around all of the time! Show him what he's missing!" She began to pull clothes out of my closet and she laid them out onto my bed.

"You don't even know what's happened" I groaned.

"Its something about Ashton, definitely" she laughed and grabbed both of my arms and pulled me up.

"Go and shower" I nodded my head and left my bedroom.

Why is she being so nice to me all of a sudden?.

I got into the shower and washed my hair with some coconut scented shampoo and conditioner and I quickly washed my body with some strawberry scented shower gel.

I brushed my teeth and moisturised my face and quickly headed back to my bedroom.

I took the peach coloured towel off my head and began to dry all of my hair quickly.

Kaitlin was right, I shouldn't mope around I should be happy.

I used the curling wand on each strand of my hair and curled it effectively, I smiled at my reflection and I grabbed a hair tie and I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

I headed over to my bed and pulled on the clothes Kaitlin had picked out for me, dark blue skinny jeans with a white black short sleeved top that had white flowers over the top.

I put my feet into my black heeled boots and quickly tied the laces into a bow.

I put on some concealer, foundation and eyeliner and finished with some mascara and light pink lipstick.

I sprayed some perfume and slipped a few bracelets onto my wrists and I grabbed my school bag and took my phone off charge.

"Ari! You look amazing!" Kaitlin was now wearing a grey skater skirt with a purple crop top and some black ballet flats.

"School! Yay" I groaned once we had left the house.


I saw Luke and said goodbye to my sister before rushing over to Luke, he lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto him as he did the same.

"I'm so glad your okay" he whispered into my ear.

"I'm not" I replied, he pulled away a little and he stuck his bottom lip out and he looked adorable.

He put me down once Calum and Michael had appeared, we both greeted them and Ash and his 'girlfriend' approached.

I ignored them completely and stayed with Luke.

"Hey Ari!" Ash greeted me, I nodded and turned my attention back to Luke.

"Luke Robert Hemmings.. Smells" I laughed as he hit my arm playfully.

"I hate you" I stuck my tongue out and he laughed.

I turned to the others and then watched as Natalie grabbed Ashton's chin when he was in the middle of a conversation and she smashed her lips onto his.

I looked at the ground and sighed.

I need to get over him, he clearly likes Natalie.


The bell rang meaning it was the last lesson before lunch, I sighed in relief and walked out of the classroom and bumped straight into Natalie.

I saw that her 'friends' had returned so I'm guessing she's going to make Ashton popular and then I'll loose him.

"Watch where your going, freak" I rolled my eyes and shoved past her.

I kept watching behind me in case they were following me, I'm getting way too paranoid.

I walked into something hard and screamed, I looked up and saw Michael. I ignored the random looks I was getting and dragged Michael with me.

"Are Ash and Natalie dating?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so" I nodded and smiled a little.

"Why? does someone have a crush?" He nudged me a couple of times making me laugh.

I shook my head although I was lying.

"Just fuck off!" I stopped walking and turned around to see Ashton storming away from Natalie.

"Ash" I mumbled as I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me.

"What's wrong?" My eyes searched his beautiful hazel eyes.

"She won't leave me alone!" I laughed and pulled him along with me and Michael to our chemistry class.


I got up to collect the equipment needed for our experiment and of course Natalie got up at the same time as me.

I grabbed one of each of the items and took them back to my desk when I couldn't hold anymore.

I headed back to the side of the classroom to collect more things when my foot got tangled with someone else's making me fall and my body to fall flat against the floor.

I looked up to see HER.

I groaned and tried to get up when someone yanked my leg from behind and made me fall back down.

Where the hell is Mrs Chesterton when you need her?!

"Leave her alone!" Luke's voice boomed.

"I'm not doing anything" Natalie's stupid obnoxious voice replied.

I managed to kick the person that had a tight grip on my ankle and luckily I got up without another smack against the ground.

I fake smiled at Natalie which she returned and then my hand collided with her cheek, the fact that she didn't expect it made the moment even better.

I ducked before she hit me back.

I stood back up and was about to slap her again when I was being lifted away from her.

"Calum! Put me down!" I screamed and started kicking the desks as he carried me back to our lab station.

"Your going to regret that you little bitch!" Natalie screamed just as Mrs Chesterton reentered the room.

"Natalie, get out!" She shouted, I smirked and sarcastically waved at her.

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