Chapter 6

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Arianas POV

(Arianas outfit is attached)

Monday morning.

I rolled out of my bed and headed to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and had a quick shower.

I dried my hair and went back to my bedroom and sat down at my dressing table, I heated up the curling wand and curled the ends of my long brown hair.

I switched it off and I headed to my closet, I put on some black lace underwear with some high waisted denim shorts and as white halter top, I tucked the ends of my top into my shorts.

It was honestly quite warm and I guess it would be okay to wear this, I added some white heels and I sat down at my dressing table again.

I put on some concealer, foundation, eyeliner and mascara and finished with some light pink lipstick.

I added a few charm bracelets and a necklace and I picked up my schoolbag and slung it over one of my shoulders.

I sprayed some perfume and headed downstairs, I followed Kaitlin downstairs and saw she was wearing a black crop top with a white mini skirt thing and heels.

She's 13 and dresses like she's 16-17.

I said goodbye to my dad and picked up my keys, I plugged my earphones into my phone and played All Time Low.

"Ariana! Wait!" Kaitlin screamed, I heard her heels slamming against the ground at a fast pace and I giggled and smirked to myself.

I stopped walking and she eventually caught up, she smiled at me and we began to walk to school.

"Why do you suddenly want to walk to school with me?" I asked curiously.

"You look pretty for once" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

We walked into the front office and collected our timetables, we had some time to look around before the bell rang signalling the school day had begun.

I walked upstairs and entered my form class, the teacher smiled at me and she just gestured for me to wait outside.

I leant against the wall and waited until she opened the door to let me inside, I'm guessing she's my form tutor.

"I want you to meet our newest member of the form, everyone this is Ariana" I blushed and stepped inside slowly.

The whole room was in silence and I noticed a few glares, she pointed to an empty seat at the back of the classroom and I nodded and walked towards it.

I sat down and she began to take the register, half an hour in an awkward classroom.. Really?.

"Ah, Mr Irwin late as usual" I gasped and looked up and saw my best friend enter the classroom.

Ashton comes to this school?!

He sat down in the empty chair in front of my desk and I had my head down when he approached so I don't think he noticed me.

I was hoping to bump into him on the way home or something, I only dressed like this to impress him.. He just knows me as his best friend and the girl next door.

"Who wants to show the new student around today?" Our form tutor asked, I let my head drop onto the table and I groaned.

"Ashton, will you?" She asked, OH NO....

"I guess? Where are they?" He asked.

I lifted my head up slowly and I saw that she was pointing towards me and Ashton's frown turned into a smile.

"No way" he giggled.

"Shut up Irwin" A blonde boy who was sitting next to him also turned around.

"I'm Luke" he held his hand out and I shook it and smiled.

"Ariana" I replied

"The Ariana?" I furrowed my eyebrows when he gasped.

"Ash doesn-" Ash slapped his hand over Luke's mouth and I began to giggle.

"Ash li-" again Ashton slapped his hand onto his mouth, I giggled again and turned my head to see a girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes smiling at me.

I waved and returned the smile, Luke and Ash looked in the direction I was waving in and Luke became very quiet, I noticed the dimples in his cheek appear and he was now smiling at the girl.

She moved closer to us, and a girl with long blonde hair, who she was sitting next to glared at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

"Natalie" She smiled.

"Ariana" I replied and smiled back.

The bell rang and I stood up and grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Ash, I can show her around since we have practically the same timetable" Natalie offered.

"Sure, I'll see you at lunch Ari" I nodded and waved.

I followed Natalie to my literature class and we sat together.

"You don't have to sit with me if you don't want to" I laughed.

"Maybe I want to" she giggled.

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