Chapter 18

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Ariana's POV
(Ariana and Kaitlin's outfits are attached)

We're here!!!

I slipped my feet into my black platform heels and looked into the mirror to make sure I looked okay. I wore black tights with a black floral skirt with a pink jumper that had a collar.

"Come on Kaitlin!" I shouted and waited for her to leave her bedroom.

She walked out wearing a red dress with black flowers on and black ankle boots, her hair was wavy and her makeup was lightly done.

"Where are you even going?" I asked her as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm going to the cinema with Hudson, Kayleigh and Lewis" I nodded slowly.

"Hudson is your boyfriend, right?" I smirked, she stayed silent causing me to gasp.

"Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked once I locked the door.

"I dunno" she shrugged and got into the car.

I greeted everyone except Natalie.

Michael's mum pulled up at the mall and we all thanked her and got out of the car.

"Text me what youre going to be doing, okay?" She nodded and hugged me before heading inside the mall towards the cinema.

I turned to Cal, Michael, Ash, Luke and Natalie and smiled awkwardly.

Natalie was wearing high waisted shorts and a crop top with black heels, the shorts just about covered her ass.

I rolled my eyes when she walked inside and flipped her curly hair over her shoulder when the breeze from the air conditioning hit her.

I swear she thinks shes some kind of celebrity.

"Michael" I turned around to see Calum talking to Michael in a weird voice and just repeating his name creepily.

"Calum. Stop it" he giggled and linked my arm, he started skipping and I was being dragged along.

We earned a few stares but Calum didn't seem to care or even notice.

He smirked to himself and pushed me into a random store, I didn't know which store I was in until I saw all of the clothing rails.

Clothing? More like seductive lingerie..

"Calum! I don't want to be in here with you" I laughed and tried to get back out of the store.

His hand wrapped around my wrist and he yanked me backwards and shoved me into one of the isles.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed.

"Trust me" he smirked, I raised my eyebrow and then I shook my head.

"Its for Ashton just trust me!" I gasped and started slapping his chest.

"Excuse me, can I help?" I saw a tall, skinny blonde saleswoman standing in front of us.

"Erm yes, my girlfriend- here, would like to try on some lingerie" my eyes widened and he quickly slammed his hand over my mouth before I could speak.

What the hell was he doing?!

The saleswoman nodded and walked over to one of the rails and began picking up a few bras.

"What the hell Calum?!" I hissed.

"Shush" he whispered.

"Your girlfriend?!" My voice raised slightly and he just shushed me again.

"What size are you sorry?" The woman asked, I groaned and walked over to her and told her my bra size quietly.

I headed over to Calum and slapped his chest, he laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You can go in with her if you want to?" My eyes widened so I quickly rushed off into the changing rooms and locked the door.

"You're not coming in!" I shouted.

He laughed.

"I don't want to" he replied.

"Show me when your- um- changed so I can tell you if Ashton will like it" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I pulled my shirt off and placed it on the stool that was in the small changing cubicle, I took off my bra and placed it down on top of my shirt.

I took the black lace bra off the hanger and put it on, I clipped the strap and looked into the mirror.

Wow, a push up bra.

I unlocked the cubicle door hesitantly and I quickly looked at my feet.

"So.. What do you think?" I asked.

I heard a sharp breath and I looked up slowly, I gasped and closed the door quickly.

I leant against it and noticed my face was bright red.


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