Chapter 17

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Ariana's POV

Friday afternoon.

Finally, this school week is over! Natalie has been tormenting me all week.

"Ariana?! You left me at school!" I turned around to see my sister running to me.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get away from school" I sighed and unlocked the front door.

Kaitlin stopped in the hallway and I ran over to her, she was about to scream but I quickly covered her mouth and we went into the kitchen.

"What the hell?!" She hissed.

"He deserves it" I shrugged

"Dad can make out with that girl elsewhere!" She stormed upstairs and I followed her but went into my bedroom.

I went to my window and pushed the window open, I glanced into Ashton's bedroom and I saw him on his bed in the reflection of his mirror.

Natalie walked past the window but luckily she didn't notice me, I watched the mirror and watched as the boy I loved made out with my ex best friend..

That hurt.

My eyes welled up with tears and I slammed the window shut and pushed the curtains shut.

I didn't care if they heard it.

They're making out! On his bed!! :(



Was that sarcasm really intended?

I can't stop crying, why did I have to fall for him? :(

Natalie is being nicer with me, I've fallen for her and I dont think I can get over her..

I just looked out of the window and now they're arguing!

I heard Ashton's door slam and I peered out of the window to see Natalie storming off down the street.

"Ari?" I looked up and saw Ashton staring directly at me.

"So when you fall out with your girlfriend you come back to me?!" I shouted.

He looked down and then his eyes met with mine again.

"She isn't and never has been my girlfriend" he mumbled just loud enough to hear.

Incoming call:Lukey.

"What Luke?" I spoke into the phone and watched Ashton as his hazel eyes looked around.

"Hello to you too, Natalie is at my house and I don't know what to do, she doesn't seem sad or anything" he mumbled.

"They weren't even dating anyway!" I sighed.

"What?! Are you serious?" I nodded but then remembered I was on the phone.

Damnit, I'm so stupid.

"Yes Luke, I have to go bye" I ended the call and saw Ashton laughing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your stupid" I nodded in agreement and he giggled.

"I'm coming over" I nodded and watched him move away from the window.

I closed my window and smiled to myself.

To: lukey
Ash is coming over

.. I kissed Natalie!!!!!


I left my bedroom and saw that Kaitlin's door was open meaning she isn't home since she always closes it.

I jogged downstairs and saw that my dad and the woman he was with have also disappeared, home alone.. Great.

"I am here" I heard Ashton's voice which startled me and also confused me as he said it with a weird accent.

"Ew go away" I laughed and ran away from him as he began to tickle me.

I ran into the living room and dived onto the couch.


We had decided to watch a film, Ashton chose mean girls knowing it was one of my favourites.

"Um- Ash" I mumbled and pulled away from his arms slightly.

"Yeah?" He turned his attention to me and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"If you weren't really dating, why did you kiss all of the time and have an argument?.." I asked slowly.

"I don't know" he shrugged.

"Yes you do, I know when your lying!" I protested.

"I hate you" I laughed and fell back into his arms which wrapped around me almost instantly.

"Me too" I added.

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