Chapter 9

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Ariana's POV

I walked into school and of course Kaitlin refused to walk with me because of the way I dressed today.

She's so hypocritical.

I gained a few glares and really cold stares from most people but I shrugged it off and headed to my form class since I don't know where any of them will be.

"Luke?" I asked once I entered the classroom, the boys head lifted up and he gasped.

"How did you find me?" He asked.

"Why? didn't you want me to find you?" He shook his head and sighed.

"I'm too scared to talk to Natalie in case I get rejected, she's hanging around with Ashton a lot more and I feel like she likes him instead" I felt bad for him.

"You wouldn't get rejected" I smiled reassuringly as I took my seat in the empty classroom.

"S-so she's hanging with A-Ash" I felt my heart sink as I muttered those words.

Ashton and Natalie walked into the classroom laughing and clinging on to each other as they were laughing so hard.

Ash sat beside Luke and Natalie sat beside me, they were still laughing and I felt a little bit jealous. What if she does like Ashton? What if he likes her back?.

"I love you Ash! Your the best!" She held her stomach and began to laugh again.

"No, I love you! Nobody has made me laugh so much before" well that hurt.

I noticed Luke wasn't turned around and his head was down and neither of them had noticed, I got up and walked towards his desk.

They burst into laughter again and I crouched down so I could see his face.

"Lukey" I whispered, he sniffled and his pretty blue eyes were glossy with his tears.

I reached my arms out and stood up, he stood up and he was literally a giant I had never realised how tall he actually is.

I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same.

They were laughing even harder now and Luke's grip tightened around my waist, poor guy.

It hurt me too but he was clearly more upset.

"Luke" I whispered.

He nodded and sniffled.

"Its going to be okay" I whispered.

He nodded and pulled away and smiled at me.

He sat back down and I headed back to my chair.

They were STILL laughing.

"I'm sure whatever it is that your laughing at, isn't actually that funny" I snapped.

They both looked confused and turned away from me, I sighed and leant against the wall.

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