Chapter 4

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Ariana's POV

Saturday morning.

I was up until about 3am talking to Ash through the window, he managed to cheer me up and he does it so easily.

I rolled out of bed and sat on the edge of my bed, I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

I stretched my arms out and I left my bedroom and entered the bathroom, I locked the door and switched the shower on.

I took off my grey shorts and my baggy shirt, I got into the shower and I relaxed once the warm water hit my lightly tanned skin.

I washed my hair with some apple scented shampoo and I then washed it with some conditioner. I washed my body and rinsed myself off before getting out and brushing my teeth.

I washed my face quickly and I went back to my bedroom.

I dried my hair and straightened it, I pulled out my makeup bag and I began to apply it to my face.

I applied Concealer, foundation, mascara and eyeliner and finished with some light pink lipstick, I checked my reflection and I walked over to my closet.

I pulled on some white matching underwear and I pulled on my high waisted denim skinny jeans and a white long sleeved shirt which had white lace as a pattern on the arms.

I slipped my feet into some cream ankle socks and I then put on my black heeled boots and I tied the laces, I sprayed some perfume and I slipped my phone into my pocket.

I hesitantly walked downstairs and I made myself a piece of toast, I lightly buttered it and I ate it and drank a glass of water with it.

"Ariana! Can you get me an aspirin please?!" Kaitlin shouted from upstairs.

I groaned and searched through the cupboards for the box of aspirins, I took a few and poured a glass of water and I walked up to her bedroom.

I opened the door and placed them on her bedside table, she thanked me and I nodded and headed out of the door.

"Ariana?" I turned around and looked at her.

"I'm sorry for getting you into trouble, I'll tell dad that it wasn't your fault" I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it" I mumbled and walked out of her bedroom.

I bumped straight into my dad and I just shoved past him and resumed heading downstairs.

I sat on the couch and switched the TV on, I laid on the couch and I watched re-runs of how I met your mother to pass some time.

I can't wait until Monday as I start my new school and hopefully I'll make some friends.

"Ariana! Your grounded that doesn't mean you can just watch the TV you have chores to do" My dad spat, why does he remind me of the evil stepmother from Cinderella?.

I grabbed all of the dirty plates and glasses from around the house and I loaded them into the dishwasher, I switched it on and sighed.

"Ariana, can you make me and your sister a drink of hot chocolate please?" Hot chocolate?! Its so hot outside what the hell?

I poured some chocolate powder into each of the two mugs and I added some hot water and I stirred it around until it was mixed properly.

I picked up both of the mugs and I noticed that Kaitlin was now on the couch cuddled into my dads side.

I placed the mugs down on the coffee table and I closed the living room door and I headed back to the kitchen, I mopped the floor and cleaned all of the counters and I tidied up around the kitchen.

Once I had finished I grabbed the vacuum cleaner from the supply closet and I began to vacuum the floor all around the house.


I unloaded the dishwasher and put all of the plates and cutlery and glasses away in the cupboards neatly.

I grabbed the laundry basket and I put all of the clothes from around the house into the basket, I headed down to the basement and loaded the washing machine.

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