Chapter 11

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(Ariana and Natalie's outfits are attached)

Ariana's POV

I rushed upstairs just after Luke had left and I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I switched the shower on and removed my makeup whilst I waited for it to heat up.

I got into the shower and immediately relaxed once the warm water hit my skin, I washed my hair with some coconut scented shampoo and conditioner and I also washed my body with some random shower gel.

I shaved wherever I needed to and I rinsed my body off a few times to make sure I had washed all of the soap out of my hair and off my body.

I switched the shower off and got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair.

I brushed my teeth and applied moisturisers to my face and then headed back to my bedroom, I closed the door and heated up the curling wand whilst I dried my hair quickly.

I curled most of my hair and tried my best to make it more wavy, I clipped some parts back and smiled at the results.

I went to my closet and made sure the curtains were shut before I removed my towel, I dried my body and then stepped into some black lace underwear.

I sat down on the edge of my bed whilst I slipped my legs into a pair of black tights, I pulled them all of the way up my body and then grabbed a pair of denim high waisted shorts.

I rummaged through my closet and pulled on a black long sleeved shirt and tucked it into my shorts, I then slipped my feet into my black heeled boots and I tied the laces quickly.

I sat back down at my dressing table and began to apply my makeup, I spent extra time contouring my face properly and I actually liked the way I looked.

I sprayed some perfume and checked the time.


The boys would be here to pick me up soon.

I pulled on a couple of charm bracelets and I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pocket. I also picked up my bag and made sure I had my keys and my purse.

I headed downstairs and sat down on the couch and waited for them to arrive.


I'm going to Luke's birthday meal remember, so I won't be home until later x


Okay x

I put my phone back into my pocket and I saw Calums car pull up outside, I smiled and picked up my bag.

I reached for the door handle when the large door burst open and almost knocked me over.

Natalie was behind it wearing a red lace dress, her hair was waved and she was wearing black platform heels.

"I'm just going to use the bathroom, hope you don't mind" I nodded and watched her walk into the house.

That dress would surely drive Luke insane, I waited and became slightly impatient.

Calum got out of his car and approached me, I smiled and I saw his eyes widen.

"Duck!" He shouted, I was confused but quickly ducked and saw an empty beer bottle fly over my head and smash onto the ground outside of the house.

I spun around in panic and glared at Natalie who was smirking to herself.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I shouted.

"You kissed Luke!" She screamed.

"You told them?!" I shouted at Calum who just looked at the ground and ran towards the car.

"It meant nothing to either of us I swear!" I shouted, she started approaching and I backed myself up until I couldnt go any further because the wall was there.

"It was a shame I missed" she spat and pointed at the shattered beer bottle.

She walked out of the house and towards the car, I rolled my eyes and locked the door and followed her quickly.

She was sitting beside Luke in front of me and Michael and Ashton.

She kept glaring at me and it was starting to bother me.

"Stop looking at her like that!" Michael hissed.

"Why?! She's a backstabbing bitch!" She shouted.

"You threw a fucking beer bottle at her!" He shouted back.

"Michael leave it" I groaned and turned my head to Ashton, he was looking out of the window and not speaking to anyone.

"Are you alright Ash?" I asked.

He hummed, I placed my hand on his and he quickly pulled his hand away and glared at me before returning his gaze back outside of the window.

"Wow" I mumbled and slumped down in my seat.


I sat down next between Luke and Michael at the circular table that was reserved for us.

Ashton and Natalie were sitting next to each other and Calum was looking at me sympathetically.

Why is he looking at me like that? He doesn't know how I feel about Ashton so he shouldn't be caring that much?.

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