Chapter 10

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Ariana's POV

Saturday morning.


I'm coming over x


Okay, my dad and Kaitlin are out so hurry up x

10 minutes later the doorbell rang, I rushed downstairs and unlocked the front door.

I opened the door and smiled at the sweaty looking Luke stood on the other side of the door, I welcomed him inside and he went into the living room.

I followed him and sat down beside him.

"So.." I giggled.

"I have an idea" I nodded my head.

"We could pretend to date.. At the meal tonight we can start acting like we are getting close and we can be all cuddly and we can see their reactions" I nodded slowly.

"So you mean, make them jealous?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled at me.

"Okay, that's a good idea Lukey" I giggled and cuddled into his tall body.

I sighed and he copied me almost instantly.

"Shouldn't we test this out before the meal?" I asked.

He nodded and pulled out his black iPhone.

"I'll text Calum and tell him to come over" I nodded and sat down on the couch and rested my head on the arm of the brown couch.


The doorbell rang and Luke jumped up to answer it, only seconds later Calum and Luke both returned.

Calum looked quite confused as Luke had just sat down beside me and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and I kissed his cheek.

"What the hell is going on here?" Calum asked.

"Nothing. Just creating space!" Luke replied quickly, he nodded and sat down beside us on the couch.

"Uhm- what's new?" He asked obviously referring to the cuddling and the kiss on the cheek.

"Nothing, really." I shrugged.

Me and Luke both turned to each other and smiled.

This seems to be going really well or better than I expected. I would have thought Calum would have figured it out straight away but it seems like he's buying it.

"Really?" He asked and motioned at the both of us.

"Really" Luke and I replied simultaneously.

"Your dating aren't you?!" He gasped and stood up from the couch.

I panicked and turned to Luke with an awkward smile, he returned it and looked at Calum.

Then he nodded.

"I'm so happy for you!" He literally shouted and cuddled both of us.

"I appreciate that I was told first" he giggled and winked.

He literally was told first, even I didn't know we were 'dating'.

"Don't tell anyone else, yet." He nodded quickly and smiled.

Luke shuffled around underneath me and I raised my eyebrows and turned my head to face him, his light blue eyes met mine quickly and he giggled.

"Sorry... Love, just trying to get my phone" I nodded and turned back to Calum.

"How did this happen?" He asked.

I turned to Luke and smiled.

"Well, I came over and I was teaching her to play the guitar and she was blushing and being really cute and I leant in to kiss her cheek but she turned her head and we kissed and sort of fell for each other" he lied.

"How many times have you kissed?" Cal asked.

"A couple" he shrugged.

"Kiss!" Calum shouted.

I panicked and began to laugh along with Luke.

"W-what?!" I asked.

"Kiss him!" My eyes widened and I turned to Luke, I slowly moved forward and he did the same.

Our lips met in the middle and I didn't feel any sparks what so ever.

I pulled away and Calum was smiling.

"Right, I have to go! I won't tell anyone, I'll see you tonight" we nodded and said goodbye and Luke squeezed me.

"I still like Natalie!" He giggled.

"Yeah, I know" I laughed.

"I felt nothing" we both said simultaneously.

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