Chapter 19

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Ariana's POV

I hesitantly opened the door and saw Ashton with his eyes on the ground, I could see the redness in his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Ash, I thought Calum would be there.. He told me to sho-" I cut myself off and realised what Calums stupid plan was.

I quickly explained my thoughts to Ashton who clicked in and agreed quickly.

"He's a dick" he mumbled.

I giggled and we headed out of the store awkwardly, I saw Michael and Natalie standing outside of the shop.

We headed over to them and they were engaged in a conversation.

"Where's Calum?" I asked.

"He's gone into some random shop with Luke" Natalie replied.

"Which shop?" I pushed.

Michael pointed straight ahead at a sports shop.

I thanked them and stormed into the shop, I walked past all of the empty aisles filled with football items.

I spotted the two giants and crept up behind them.

Luke acknowledged me but didn't warn the brunette

I slapped Calums shoulder quite harshly if I might add.

"Your plan was stupid!" He was still a little frightened from me scaring him.

"It worked, didn't it?" He smirked

I shook my head and groaned.

Calum laughed and returned his attention to the football boots that he and Luke were standing beside.

I walked out of the store and saw Michael sitting on one of the benches, I sat beside him and he looked up at me and smiled.

"Ash and Natalie went somewhere" he shrugged and slumped a little.

"Why didn't you come into the store?" I asked and ruffled his hair.

"I didn't want to" he shrugged.

I sighed and dropped my head onto his shoulder, he chuckled lowly.

I watched his reflection in the shop window and he was just gazing around at people.

Ashton reappeared with his hand intertwined with Natalie's, when they came to a halt in front of us she pressed her body against his arm and tried to get as close as possible.

Ashton, on the other hand looked slightly confused before relaxing and letting her cuddle him.

Michael shifted causing me to lift my head back up, he reached his arm out and helped me up quickly.

From: Dad
Kaitlin came home over two hours ago! Where are you?!

To: Dad
I'm at the mall.. I told you.

From: Dad
Get home now!

I sighed and stood up from the table we were sitting at.

"My dad wants me to go, I'll see you tomorrow" they hugged me goodbye and I began to walk towards the exit.

"Ari!" I turned around to see Luke rushing towards me.

"I'll walk you home, I want you to be safe" he smiled

"Natalie?" He nodded and sighed.

I looked at the ground and sighed

"She's making out with Ashton and she's making obnoxious noises" I scrunched my face up with disgust.

"She told me that she liked you.." I shrugged.

He stopped and I turned to face him, he looked shocked.

"She likes me?" I shrugged.

He groaned and kicked the wall.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was strong and very loud.

"She didn't want me too" I replied and I was barely audible.

He lifted his hand and I quickly flinched away, once I removed my arms from my face and opened my eyes he was looking at me with a look of shock mixed with pain.

"You? You thought I was going to hit you.. Didn't you?" His voice gradually got softer as his arms wrapped around me.

My eyes filled with tears and I sniffled and buried my face further into his chest.

"I wouldnt ever hurt you!" He whispered and I felt his lips touch my head.

"Luke! What the fuck?!" We pulled away and saw all four of them charging towards us.

Ashton was leading, followed by the other three who were trying to stop him from hurting him.

"You knew how I felt! How dare you?!" Ashton was being held back by Cal and Michael and Natalie rushed to protect Luke.

"You can't say anything!" Luke shot back, Natalie and I quickly grabbed his arms and held him back.

"I live closer to Ari! I could have taken her!" Ashton boomed.

"You were too busy swallowing each other to realise anyway!" Ashton's facial expression became angrier and it was getting harder to keep Luke back.


"I'll fucking take her back" Ashton spat as he shoved past Luke and snatched my hand and pulled me away.

Tell Ash I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow x

"Luke.. Says he's sorry" Ashton began mumbling something under his breath and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't have to walk me home, I can go by myself" I folded my arms and sighed.

"No, I do want to walk you home. I like to make sure that your safe, I just didn't want Luke to take you home because I miss you" I nodded and rolled my eyes.

If he missed me so much he would stop making out with Natalie all the time.

"How's your girlfriend?" I asked, he almost choked on nothing.

"I don't have one?" He replied.

"Natalie.." I mumbled.

He groaned and walked ahead slightly.

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