Ch 32

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~ Corruption before Deletion: 87% ~

Time appeared in a roofed forest leaning against a tree thinking back to what he did "why did I do that?" he asked sliding down. Time brought his knees up to his chest resting his head on them, he remembered the look on Entitys face as he teleported away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a photo of him and Entity at the manor. Time felt tears prick his eyes and felt them burn as they ran down his cheek "I-I'm sorry Entity" He said seeing that his tears were made of lava.

Time wiped them away and sttod up claning his outfit from the grass and dirt "guess there's no turning back now" he said pulling his compass out and headed east. He kept thinking about Entity, missing his warm hugs, when he calms him down after a nightmare, or when he made him feel loved for once. Time stopped and stood still shaking a bit as tears streamed down his face "I really am a annoying crying brat" he said wiping the tears away. He was about to continue walking when a wither skeleton appeared wearing a gold helment and hold a stone sword in his left hand.

Time got scared and back up a bit bumping into a tree. The skeleton kneeled down in front of Time bowing his head "hello master Time" he said. Time stood there shocked and worried about what was going on, He was about to ask when the skeleton stood up.

Skeleton: Lord Entity asked me to occupation you on your journey

Time: so hes still mad at me

Skeleton: Lord Entity is not mad at you, he did request me to give you this message

The Skeleton reached into his satchel and pulled out a letter. He handed the letter to Time letting him open it and read it.

Dear Time,

I've asked one of my wither soliders to protect you on your travel. I am sorry for keeping this secret from you, I thought it would protect you but it ended up harming you. If trusting Null advice will help you them i'll let you, but I'll be keeping an eye on you. I want you to know that I love you and I am truly sorry for having a fight with you it was my fault i shoulden't have told you what to do nor order my mate around. Be safe my mate...please.

Love: Entity

Time smiled at the note having some tears prick his eyes and run down his cheek. He wipe the tears away and carefully folded the note and placed it in his pocket. Time walked up to the skeleton and gave him a hug.

Skeleton: whats this for?

Time: think of it as a thank you guesture

The skeletion didn't know what to do so he hugged back. Time broke the hug and pulled out his compass pointing foreward of them "the numbers lead that way" he said walki ng forward with the wither skeleton in tow. The two didn't notice Entity standing behind a tree from the distance making sure his mate is safe.

~ a couple of hours walking ~

The sun was setting as the two stopped and made a fire setting up a campsite for the night. Time was leaning up against a tree writing in his journal while his skeletion guard was sitting next to the fire. Time looked up from his journal seeing the skeleton staring into the darkness of the forest "im sorry but I should have asked this soon, but whats your name?" Time asked making the skeleton turn to face him "you can call me wither" he said staring back into the darkness.

Time gave wither a sad expression but went back to his journal knowing that Entity can read what he is writing. The two heard a twig snap casuing Wither to stand up and hold his sword out. Time stood up as well holding his corrupted hand out making a small blue fire ignite from his palm.


There was silence then someone or something running towards them. Wither pushed Time behind him following Entity's orders to protect Time. Time pushed Wither out of the way allowing the thing to tackle Time "Time!!" Wither said looking back seeing something strange. Time was laughing while Creeps was nuzzling Time "hey Creeps ive missed you" Time said hugging Creeps. Wither stared at the two and smiled at them "you two know each other?" He asked putting his sword away. Creeps got off of Time letting him stand up and dust his outfit off "yea Creeps here is my friend" He said.

Time explaine to Wither how he knows him to which he nodded in agreement. The three sat around the fire talking amung themselves and discussing the trip. The three decided to lay underneth the same tree, Creeps was laying across Time's lap while Time was in his journal "what are you doing with that journal?" Wither asked scotting a bit closer to Time.

Time: I've been using the back of it and drawing a map to keep track of where we've been

Wither: may I see?

Time moved a bit not enough to wake Creeps but enough for Wither to see the map. Wither stared at the map and was impressed by it "looks good" he said seeing that there were numbers on the side. He asked Time about them to which he said that they were stoping points. Time yawned closing his journal and leaned up against wither who was more than ok with it. He was assigned by Entity to protect Time and keep him safe, but Wither now sees Time as a little brother to him. He picked up Time's hoodie using it as a blanket and covered Time up, He leaned back against the tree with Time resting his head on his shoulder. Wither stared up into the stars feeling that sleep was taking him over, he closed his eyes and fell asleep with the fire all put out.

~ Corruption before Deletion: 90% ~


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