Ch 11

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After Entity brought Time and Creeps to his home and showed them around his mansion. Once Entity showed Creeps his bedroom her took Time to there room. Time changed into PJ that Entity gave him and crawled into bed. Entity joined him snuggling close to him.

~Times Nightmare~

I don't know where I am, but I'm running. Its dark, I can't properly see, and there's someone chasing me. I look over my shoulder seeing a man with a knife chasing me calling me a 'mistake'. I look ahead of me to see Entity standing there holds his arms out. I run towards him hugging him for dear life as he runs holding me into the woods. I see the man that was chasing me stop at the treeline holding onto the knife tightly.

~Entity Pov~

I wake up before my mate seeing him stir and whimper in his sleep. I remember back to his dream growling lightly at the man who is his so called 'Father'. I pulled Time close to me wrapping my arms around his waist bringing him close. I felt him flitch but relax with a sigh, I couldn't help but kiss his neck at his cuteness. I was about to go back to sleep when a knock came from the door. Time shifted and wined in his sleep but I rubbed his back soothing him back to sleep. I got up slowly not waking him and walked towards the door wearing a black tank top and red basketball shorts. I opened it to see Ender standing there holding a tray of food and drinks along with spare clothes for Time.

Entity: Thank you ender

Ender: no problem my lord, but my I ask a question

Entity: you may

Ender: what's going to happen to him when Notch or Jeb finds out about him?

Entity: There not going to because if they do then things will get bloody

I growled that last part making ender step back in fear a bit. I took a breath and told him he was dismissed. He nodded and teleported away. I walked back in seeing Time still asleep, setting the tray down and crawling back into bed with him. I pulled him close to me feeling him snuggle close using my chest as a pillow. I blushed at this kissing his forehead and wrapping an arm around his back. I laid on my free arm closing my eyes entering my mates dream.

~Times dream again~

I was walking in the forest. The sun was shining and the air was calm. I caught the smell of something sweat and decided to follow it. I came upon a picnic basket upon a red checker blanket. I look over to see Entity sitting there petting the ground next to him. I walked over and sat down next to him seeing him hold out a plate with a slice of pumpkin pie on it.

Time: did you do all this?

Entity: all for you my love

I blushed at his comment, taking the plate and cuddling next to him. We spent most of the day talking about random facts and our hobbies. I asked Entity about my whole arm and face thing and asked if it was going to harm me.

Entity: it's not harmful, but you will notice strange things happening to you.

Time: like?

Entity: I'll tell you when we wake up, now come here.

I crawled over to him sitting in his lap, he puts his arms around me. We share at the clouds seeing what looks like what. Entity nuzzles against my neck making me shudder and sigh.

Entity: sorry your just so adorable my little fox.

I turned around coming face to face with him. He leaned in and have me a kiss which I melted in. I felt his fangs against my bottom lip.

Entity: when your ready I'll claim you a mine.

I only could nod seeing him give me a smirk. I leaned against his chest feeling weak all of a sudden. He held me close as I relaxed against him. I purred a he messed with me hair.

What did i do to deserve this?

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