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Time slowly opened his eyes looking around seeing that he was in a hospital. He tried to sit up but only groaned in pain getting the attention of two other people who were sleeping on the couch "Time!!" They yelled. Time looked over seeing Amy and Mark who looking like they gone through hell and back. They're hair was matted, Mark had bags under his eyes while Amy's were red and puffy from crying. The two got up and walked over to the bed smiling at Time "glad to see you awake bud" Mark said, Amy walked out of the room and walked back in dragging a doctor with them.

Doctor Iron: welcome back to the land of the living time

Mark: is he going to be ok Doc?

Doctor: his injuries have heal, but he will need to spend a couple more weeks here just in case he fall back into the coma.

Time: h-how l-long?

Doctor Iron: about three months you've been asleep

Time: H-How??

Doctor Iron: might want to try and not talk for a while, the injuries you've suffered damged your vocal cords.

Time: *nods understanding*

Doctor Iron: as for how, these two brought you here. When you taken in you had loss a lot of blood as well as damage to your rib cage and damage to your abdomen.

Time tried to sit up again groan but successfully sitting upright "T-Thank Y-You" he said trying to blink back tears. Amy and Mark rushed over to hug Time calming him down. The three stayed like that until yell could be heard from down the hall "WHERE IS HE, WHERES ME SON" the person yelled sounding like a woman. Time know who's voice that belonged to as he leaned closer to Amy shaking a bit. Time's mother and father entered his room seeing Amy holding Time close while Mark stood up standing in front of them protecting them.

Mark: what are you two doing here?

He growled keeping stern expression on his face "were here to see me sweet boy" Time's mother said with poison in her voice. His father walked foreword as Amy held Time close to her "get away you monster" She said with authority in her tone. His father glared at her "is he able to be discharged to day?" He asked turning back to the doctor who shock his head showing him the report. Time's dad told the doctor that he did this all the time and that its was to get attention. Amy and Mark went wide eyed at his lie and was about to do something about it when Time got out of Amy's grasp. He slowly moved to the side of the bed wincing as he did and slowly stood up holding his arms out for balance.

Once he got his balance back he stared at his father and mother seeing them have a scared look on there faces.

Time: y-you never c-cared a-about me, you n-never once g-gave a f-fuck about me health, and now you have the gull to walk in here and care about me. What about all those beatings I've received from you two, all those days and nights I didn't get anything to eat cause you thought I wasn't worth it

Amy and Mark were shocked at Time that he is standing up for himself and to his parents no less. The one scared Time was replaced with a more brave Time "and lets not forget all those Time's you've locked me out of the house just casue you felt like it" He said panting out of breath and almost about to collapse. Amy and Mark rushed to Time's side helping him stand while his father looked at him with anger "you fucking little brat" he said and was about to slap him when there was a clicking sound. Everyone saw two police officers standing there 'you two are under arrest for child abuse, neglect" They said escorted the now yelling mother and father.

Time for once felt relief wash over him, like the weight on his shoulders was finally gone. Amy and Mark helped him back to his bed while the doctor gave him some pain killers.

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