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~Entity's Pov~

I set Time down on the bed letting him rest brushing the hair out from his face. I gave him a quick kiss oh his cheek before heading out of the room.  I walked towards the dining room seeing Amy sitting down at the table drinking tea which was prepared for us. Amy set the cup down noticing me walk in, I sat down at the chair next to her picking up a cup and making me some tea.

Amy: is he asleep?

Entity: yes

Amy: so how come he didn't remember me?

Entity: his memories are lost

Amy: so he doesn't know who I or Mark is?

Entity: he doesn't know Mark, but when you hugged him he remembered you

Amy: is there any way to jog his memory? Doesn't he deserve to know who he is, or where he came from?

Entity: He does but it might break him, his code is corrupted and one wrong move could break him. Amy I don't want to hurt him or lose him, I love him as much as you. Please don't take him away from me.

Amy: I won't

Entity: thank you

We sit there talking about what were going to do about Time. She took a clock out noticing the time and said she need to log off for the night. I nodded saying goodbye, telling her shes welcome to come back here. She nods before logging off, I set my cup down getting up and heading back to my room. I walked in seeing Time fast asleep snoring lightly, I softly sighed changing into my basketball shorts. 

I crawled into bed pulling the covers over me and Time. I wrapped my arm around him seeing him turn over snuggling close to me. I kissed his forehead pulling him close, I rested my head on my pillow entering my mates dream.

~Time's Nightmare~

I sitting down in my room hearing my parents argue again. I hated when they did that, but when I try to stop them they take it out of me. I opened my phone seeing a text from my friend 

E: hey my little fox, everything ok?

Time: just my parents going at it again

E: hey its going to be ok, when there asleep want to meet up on our server?

Time: id like that 

E: ok i'll be on in 20, I love you my little fox

Time: I love you too

I turned my phone off setting it down hearing my parents stop arguing. I got up slowly walking to the door  opening it up slowly seeing them not there. That's when I heard my dads car start and take off down the road. I sat down back in bed hearing footsteps coming towards my room. the door opened and it was my mom holding a bottle of wine. She walked to me and slapped me across the face calling me a mistake and that its my fault and preceded to punch me in my gut.

I was used to her and my dads torment, so when she left I got up and got my first aid kit out. I took the bandages out and started wrapping them around my torso. I put the first aid kit away and sat down on my bed turning my phone on watching youtube videos about this minecraft character called Entity_303. I think that he was strange but misunderstood, I draw him all the time and imagine him here with me. I was about to turn my phone off when I got a text from E.

E: hey im on the server

Time: ok give me a minute, sorry

E: don't be sorry, i'll be here waiting for you my fox

I grabbed my laptop turning it on and logging onto minecraft. I kept my volume down so my parents wouldn't hear it. I logged onto mine and E's server seeing him standing there by the tree line. He walked over to me giving me a hug and kissing my forehead. E always made my feel loved and warm, even if we didn't meet in real life, He still took care of me. He sat me down and handed me a cup of tea.

E: so what did your parents do this time?

Time: they just argued, my mom did punch me though but it's no problem.

E: *growls* why would that hurt an angel 

Time: I deserve it, If I wasn't born they would been happy

E just walked over to me and picked me up setting me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around holding me close, I loved it when he did this I felt safe with him.

E: When your ready im going to take you away from them, and bring you here.

He lowered his head and gave me a kiss stroking my hair.

E: no one hurts whats mine, you need to log off and get some sleep my fox, but i'll be watching over you

Time: o-ok

E: I love you, i'll be here when ever you need me

I just stared crying there, He held me close rubbing my back whispering sweet things to me. When I calmed down enough I kissed him again logging off. I turned my laptop off setting on my desk and crawling into bed. I looked at the mirror and noticed a small red glow coming from it, I thought it was something outside so I thought nothing of it. I pulled the covers over me drifting off to sleep.

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